Hiroyuki SeshitaSchauspieler:
Takahiro Sakurai, Kana Hanazawa, Sora Amamiya, Mamoru Miyano, Aya Suzaki, Nobunaga Shimazaki, Nanako Mori, Kazuhiro YamajiDie junge Zuru (Stimme im Original: Sora Amamiya) lebt in einer Welt, die von außer Kontrolle geratenen Maschinen und Programmen beinahe komplett zerstört wurde. Die gesamte Erdoberfläche ist mit einem einzigen chaotischen Bauwerk von gewaltigen Ausmaßen bedeckt, welches sich stetig weiter ausbreitet. Der Bau dieser riesigen Struktur wurde einst von der Menschheit begonnen, doch seitdem ist das Geheimnis der Kontrolle über die Baumaschinen verloren gegangen und das Sicherheitssystem macht mittlerweile Jagd auf seine Schöpfer. Als Zuru versucht, Nahrung für die Siedlung zu sammeln, in der sie wohnt, löst sie versehentlich eine Attacke des Sicherheitssystems aus, das ihre Heimat auslöscht. Ihre einzige Hoffnung ist nun der mysteriöse Killy (Takahiro Sakurai), der bereits seit langer Zeit durch die riesige Stadt streift und auf der Suche nach dem Schlüssel ist, mit dem sich die Maschinen abschalten lassen…
In the distant technological future, civilization has reached its ultimate Net-based form. An "infection" in the past caused the automated systems to spiral out of order, resulting in a multi-leveled city structure that replicates itself infinitely in all directions. Now humanity has lost access to the city's controls, and is hunted down and purged by the defense system known as the Safeguard. In a tiny corner of the city, a little enclave known as the Electro-Fishers is facing eventual extinction, trapped between the threat of the Safeguard and dwindling food supplies. A girl named Zuru goes on a journey to find food for her village, only to inadvertently cause doom when an observation tower senses her and summons a Safeguard pack to eliminate the threat. With her companions dead and all escape routes blocked, the only thing that can save her now is the sudden arrival of Killy the Wanderer, on his quest for the Net Terminal Genes, the key to restoring order to the world.
In the distant technological future, civilization has reached its ultimate Net-based form. An "infection" in the past caused the automated systems to spiral out of order, resulting in a multi-leveled city structure that replicates itself infinitely in all directions. Now humanity has lost access to the city's controls, and is hunted down and purged by the defense system known as the Safeguard. In a tiny corner of the city, a little enclave known as the Electro-Fishers is facing eventual extinction, trapped between the threat of the Safeguard and dwindling food supplies. A girl named Zuru goes on a journey to find food for her village, only to inadvertently cause doom when an observation tower senses her and summons a Safeguard pack to eliminate the threat. With her companions dead and all escape routes blocked, the only thing that can save her now is the sudden arrival of Killy the Wanderer, on his quest for the Net Terminal Genes, the key to restoring order to the world.