Blood Runners - Vampire kennen kein Erbarmen
Dan LantzSchauspieler:
Ice-T, Peter Patrikios, Benjamin Kanes, Michael McFadden, Chris James Boylan, Airen DeLaMater, Julie Ek, John Groody, Jack Hoffman, Kerry McGann, Dan McGlaughlin, Kelly Buterbaugh, Danny Doherty, Tammy Jean, Jared Malcolm, Joe BarlamUSA 1933, South Hampton, New Jersey, befindet sich immer noch im harten Griff der Prohibition. Der Alkoholkonsum ist verboten und während tagsüber der normale Alltag herrscht, explodiert die Stadt bei Sonnenuntergang förmlich, denn die Flüsterkneipen und Bordelle bedienen eine wählerische Kundschaft. In den Lokalen der Stadt tummeln sich aber nicht nur zwielichtige Gestalten und brave Bürger, sondern auch Polizisten wie Sergeant Jack Malone, die nur darauf aus sind, ihren Anteil am Geschehen einzusacken. Als Malone allerdings bei einem fingierten Prohibitionseinsatz den Nachtclub von Chester erstürmen lässt, stellt sich heraus, dass die Inhaber weniger am illegalen Alkoholausschank, als mehr an dem Lebenssaft ihrer Gäste interessiert sind. Chester und seine Geschäftspartner sind blutrünstige Vampire und wer sich ihnen in den Weg stellt, muss dafür bezahlen.
By 1933, Prohibition has proven a booming enterprise, where average citizens break the law, hide in the shadows and operate at night. The new world order has even lined the pockets of corrupt cops like Jack Malone. He collects a 'luxury tax' from every bootlegger and scofflaw in the small town he has sworn to protect. While shaking down the newest speakeasy in the local underground, Jack and his men uncover a clan of vampires hell bent on taking over the town. Now Chesterfield, an ancient vampire, and his horde must hide their secret at any cost. The bloody result leaves several bodies and innocent townsfolk taken as lambs to await the slaughter. With nowhere else to turn, Jack joins forces with a busboy and a crazy preacher to save the town and make a final stand against Chesterfield and his vampires.
By 1933, Prohibition has proven a booming enterprise, where average citizens break the law, hide in the shadows and operate at night. The new world order has even lined the pockets of corrupt cops like Jack Malone. He collects a 'luxury tax' from every bootlegger and scofflaw in the small town he has sworn to protect. While shaking down the newest speakeasy in the local underground, Jack and his men uncover a clan of vampires hell bent on taking over the town. Now Chesterfield, an ancient vampire, and his horde must hide their secret at any cost. The bloody result leaves several bodies and innocent townsfolk taken as lambs to await the slaughter. With nowhere else to turn, Jack joins forces with a busboy and a crazy preacher to save the town and make a final stand against Chesterfield and his vampires.