Blue Tiger
Norberto BarbaSchauspieler:
Virginia Madsen, Tôru Nakamura, Ryô Ishibashi, Sal Lopez, Yuji Okumoto, Harry Dean Stanton, François Chau, Toshirô Obata, Michael Madsen, Dean Hallo, Brenda Varda, Henry Mortensen, Claudia Templeton, John Hammil, Chris DeRose, Thomas 'Doc' BoguskiBeim Einkaufen im Supermarkt muß die junge Mutter Gena Hayes mitansehen, wie ihr fünfjähriger Sohn im Rahmen eines Attentates von einem auffällig tätowierten Gangster niedergeschossen und tödlich verwundet wird. Die verzweifete Mutter entschließt sich zu einer gefährlichen Racheaktion und sucht zu diesem Zweck die Nähe der Yakuza. Als sie sich bei ihren Nachforschungen in den gutaussehenden Junggangster Seiji verliebt, ahnt sie noch nicht, daß sie den Mörder ihres Kindes gefunden hat.
Blutgetränkter, melodramatischer Thriller mit Film-noir-Anleihen.
Gena is a sweet and dedicated mother to her little son. One day, whilst shopping with him for a halloween mask, her son is accidently shot through the chest by a Japanese Gunman, trying to kill an opposing gang of bus operators. Gena notices that the gunman has a picture of a blue tiger on his chest. She is turned into an obsessed person and has an identical red tiger etched into her skin. She then tracks down the killer and plots his death. This leads her into the world of the Japanese Mafia
Gena is a sweet and dedicated mother to her little son. One day, whilst shopping with him for a halloween mask, her son is accidently shot through the chest by a Japanese Gunman, trying to kill an opposing gang of bus operators. Gena notices that the gunman has a picture of a blue tiger on his chest. She is turned into an obsessed person and has an identical red tiger etched into her skin. She then tracks down the killer and plots his death. This leads her into the world of the Japanese Mafia