Boccaccio 70
Federico Fellini, Vittorio De Sica, Luchino Visconti, Mario MonicelliSchauspieler:
Marisa Solinas, Germano Gilioli, Peppino De Filippo, Anita Ekberg, Antonio Acqua, Donatella Della Nora, Tomás Milián, Romy Schneider, Romolo Valli, Sophia Loren, Luigi Giuliani, Annarosa Garatti, Annarosa GarattiIm römischen Stadtviertel EUR geht der bebrillte Doktor Antonio als schrecklich lästiger Moralist umher. Auf einem Metallgerüst wird ein riesiges Plakat mit dem Bild einer für Vollmilch werbenden liegenden Frau angebracht. Antonio wettert. Nachts erwacht die Frau zum Leben und spielt wie Gulliver als Riesin mit dem zwergenhaften Antonio, der zwischen Auflehnung und Wohlfühlen schwankt. Am morgen findet man ihn auf dem Gerüst des Plakats, das er bestiegen hat, und liefert ihn ins Irrenhaus ein.
Fellinis erster Farbfilm ist Teil eines Episodenfilms, zu dem Luchino Visconti und Vittorio De Sica die anderen Episoden beitrugen.
Four directors tell tales of Eros fit for a 1970s Decameron. Working-class lovers, Renzo and Luciana, marry but must hide it from her employer; plus, they need a room of their own. A billboard of Anita Ekberg provocatively selling milk gives a prudish crusader for public decency more than he can handle. The wife of a count whose escapades with call girls make the front page of the papers decides to work to prove her independence, but what is she qualified to do? A buxom carnival-booth manager who owes back taxes offers herself for one night in a lottery: a nerdy sacristan and a jealous cowboy make for a lovers' triangle. In each, women take charge, but not always happily
Four directors tell tales of Eros fit for a 1970s Decameron. Working-class lovers, Renzo and Luciana, marry but must hide it from her employer; plus, they need a room of their own. A billboard of Anita Ekberg provocatively selling milk gives a prudish crusader for public decency more than he can handle. The wife of a count whose escapades with call girls make the front page of the papers decides to work to prove her independence, but what is she qualified to do? A buxom carnival-booth manager who owes back taxes offers herself for one night in a lottery: a nerdy sacristan and a jealous cowboy make for a lovers' triangle. In each, women take charge, but not always happily