Born Dead II
Simon SpachmannSchauspieler:
Brian Bloody, Matthias Schmidt, Julia Fritsch, Günay Akoglu, Steffen Huck, Jens Schütte, Philipp LangenbachWas als ein entspanntes Partywochenende in BORN DEAD anfing, endete in einem Chaos. Mila schlägt sich immer noch durch das Gebäude des wahnsinnigen Doktors. Währenddessen treffen noch Menschenhändler ein. Das Blutbad nimmt seinen Lauf.
What started as a relaxed party weekend in BORN DEAD ended in chaos. Mila is still fighting her way through the mad doctor's building. Meanwhile, human traffickers are still arriving. The bloodbath takes its course.
What started as a relaxed party weekend in BORN DEAD ended in chaos. Mila is still fighting her way through the mad doctor's building. Meanwhile, human traffickers are still arriving. The bloodbath takes its course.