Boy Missing
Mar TargaronaSchauspieler:
Blanca Portillo, Andrés Herrera, Macarena Gómez, Blanca Martínez, Antonio Dechent, Vicente Romero, Marc Domènech, Nausicaa Bonnín, José Coronado, Paco Manzanedo, Sergi Subirà, Marieta Sánchez, Raquel Pérez, Josep Maria Pou, Francesc Albiol, Ismael AbadalPatricia ist eine Rechtsanwältin, deren Leben kurzzeitig stillzustehen scheint, als ihr kleiner Sohn spurlos verschwindet. Doch nach banger Zeit der Suche, wird der Junge ausfindig gemacht und berichtet, dass ein Mann ihn versucht hatte zu entführen. Die Person kann sogar identifiziert werden, doch reicht die Beweislage nicht aus, um ihn hinter Gittern zu bringen und so ist er bald schon wieder auf freiem Fuß. Daraufhin beschließt Patricia ihre Prinzipien hinter sich zu lassen und das Gesetz in die eigenen Hände zu nehmen. Mit unvorhersehbaren Konsequenzen.
Raffinierter und wendungsreicher, packender spanischer Thriller.
Víctor is a child who is found casually roaming by a country road. His mother, Patricia, a well-known lawyer specialist in media trails, realizes about it and she goes to the hospital, where explains to the police that Víctor is deaf, and he's unable to talk, speaking using sign language. In the police headquarter Víctor explains that he was kidnapped by a strange man when we was entering to the school. The police identifies a possible suspect named Charlie, a man with money troubles and an 8-months pregnant wife who can't explain where he was when Víctor was kidnapped from the school. Seeing the inability of the police to arrest Charlie after some failed attempts to meet Víctor, Patricia contacts Raúl, Patricia's former love interest and Víctor's father, to ask him that he or a friends of him threat seriously Charlie. But when is discovered that Víctor made a false identification, Patricia tries to stop Raúl, starting a chain of events which consequences will be out of control...
Víctor is a child who is found casually roaming by a country road. His mother, Patricia, a well-known lawyer specialist in media trails, realizes about it and she goes to the hospital, where explains to the police that Víctor is deaf, and he's unable to talk, speaking using sign language. In the police headquarter Víctor explains that he was kidnapped by a strange man when we was entering to the school. The police identifies a possible suspect named Charlie, a man with money troubles and an 8-months pregnant wife who can't explain where he was when Víctor was kidnapped from the school. Seeing the inability of the police to arrest Charlie after some failed attempts to meet Víctor, Patricia contacts Raúl, Patricia's former love interest and Víctor's father, to ask him that he or a friends of him threat seriously Charlie. But when is discovered that Víctor made a false identification, Patricia tries to stop Raúl, starting a chain of events which consequences will be out of control...