Brain Dead Zombies
Rodrigo AragãoSchauspieler:
Walderrama Dos Santos, Kika de Oliveira, Marcelo Castanheira, Markus Konká, Ricardo Araújo, André Lobo, Antônio Lâmego, Maurício Ribeiro, Reginaldo Secundo, Julio TigreFrüher hatte im tiefsten brasilianischen Mangrovensumpf ein Krustentierfischer sein Auskommen. Heute dezimiert verschmutztes Flusswasser die Arten und zwingt Mutter Natur zu einer autoritären Maßnahme: Der giftige Boden gibt seine Leichen wieder her. Als geistig tote und motorisch belebte, mit herkömmlichen Mitteln schwer zu stoppende Menschenfresser, die jeden mit Bissen Davongekommenen in einen der ihren verwandeln. Viel Arbeit für den braven Fischer, der gerade erst eine so vielversprechende Romanze mit der Waschfrau begann.
In a polluted mangrove swamp, the locals recall the time when they could fish and catch mud crabs to sell and feed their families and themselves in their isolated community; now the swamp is dead and they can hardly find a fish or a crab in the dirty water. During a night, dead bodies raise from the swamp, attacking and biting the dwellers that transform into aggressive zombies. The local Luís fights against the monsters to survive and save the life of Raquel, on whom he has a crush.
In a polluted mangrove swamp, the locals recall the time when they could fish and catch mud crabs to sell and feed their families and themselves in their isolated community; now the swamp is dead and they can hardly find a fish or a crab in the dirty water. During a night, dead bodies raise from the swamp, attacking and biting the dwellers that transform into aggressive zombies. The local Luís fights against the monsters to survive and save the life of Raquel, on whom he has a crush.