Bram Strokers Draculas Gast
Michael FeiferSchauspieler:
Amy Lyndon, Wes Ramsey, Andrew Bryniarski, Kelsey McCann, Dan SpeakerIm England früh 19. Jahrhunderts begehrt der Immobilienmakler Bram Stoker die junge Elizabeth, Tochter eines ehrwürdigen Admirals, dem wiederum die Verbindung ein Dorn im Auge ist. Da reißt aus dem fernen Siebenbürgen ein Adeliger namens Graf Dracula heran und verschwindet nach kurzem Aufenthalt unter gewaltsamer Mitnahme von Elizabeth. In getrennten Expeditionen eilen sowohl Stoker als auch der Admiral hinterher, wobei besonders letzterer zum ernsthaften Gegner für den Grafen wird.
Der zwei-Meter-vier-Zentner-Riese Andrew Brynarski, Fans vom Fach vermutlich besser bekannt als Darsteller von Schlächter Leatherface im Remake des Kettensägenmassakers, ist sicher einer der ungewöhnlichsten (und leider auch untalentiertesten) Vampirfürsten-Darsteller in der an Dracula-Varianten nicht armen Horrorfilmgeschichte. Hier prallt er auf ein kaum minder gewagtes Script-Konzept in einer zuweilen nett ausgestatteten, doch leider auch sehr hölzernen Low-Budget-Adaption aus der Werkstatt von B-Movie-Vielfilmer Michael Feifer ("BTK").
Based upon Bram Stoker's short stories, Dracula's Guest follows the story of two young lovers, Bram and Elizabeth, who are forced by her father, the Admiral Murray, to take a one year probation from their relationship in order to determine whether their love is true. Meanwhile, the Count Dracula is in London searching for a new home and coincidentally, or not, comes across young Elizabeth at the train station after she's run away from home and her father's overbearing ways. Dracula, though, proceeds to kidnap her and take Elizabeth to his castle where he waits for her father's arrival to settle an ancient dispute. Meanwhile, Bram' friend Malcolm sets out to inform Bram of Elizabeth' kidnapping but he soon falls to Dracula's evil ways. And, upon finding his best friend dead Bram sets out across Europe to rescue his true love.
Based upon Bram Stoker's short stories, Dracula's Guest follows the story of two young lovers, Bram and Elizabeth, who are forced by her father, the Admiral Murray, to take a one year probation from their relationship in order to determine whether their love is true. Meanwhile, the Count Dracula is in London searching for a new home and coincidentally, or not, comes across young Elizabeth at the train station after she's run away from home and her father's overbearing ways. Dracula, though, proceeds to kidnap her and take Elizabeth to his castle where he waits for her father's arrival to settle an ancient dispute. Meanwhile, Bram' friend Malcolm sets out to inform Bram of Elizabeth' kidnapping but he soon falls to Dracula's evil ways. And, upon finding his best friend dead Bram sets out across Europe to rescue his true love.