Takashi HiroseSchauspieler:
Asami, Katrina Grey, Shigeo Ôsako, Iona, Takashi Nishina, Yukino Arimoto, Ayano, Shinsuke Kato, Rina Kadô, Yukihiro Haruzono, Nanako Ohata, Dodo, Hell Bell, Ayumi Mizukoshi, Takaaki Satô, ButchIn einer verwahrlosten Wohnung quält ein irrer Mörder seine weiblichen Opfer auf bestialische Weise zu Tode. An einem anderen Ort lockt zur selben Zeit eine junge Frau unvorsichtige Männer in ihre Venusfalle, nur um sie dann grausam zu verstümmeln und auszurauben. Als sie einander begegnen, geschieht Unerwartetes.
A savage murderer is on the prowl in Japan. One by one, his victims fall but what is he searching for? The same thing a murderess is looking for. We are all looking for that special love of our lives and sometimes, we're willing to kill everyone to find that special someone. This is the tale of two people finding each other in the most vicious way possible.
A savage murderer is on the prowl in Japan. One by one, his victims fall but what is he searching for? The same thing a murderess is looking for. We are all looking for that special love of our lives and sometimes, we're willing to kill everyone to find that special someone. This is the tale of two people finding each other in the most vicious way possible.