Roland KlickSchauspieler:
Sascha Urchs, Sieghardt Rupp, Edith Volkmann, Renate Roland, Jürgen Jung, Hubert Suschka, Elisabeth Ackermann, Ulrich Beiger, Gerda-Maria Jürgens, Hans KahlertWeil die Eltern mit den Nachbarn auf einem Betriebsfest sind, soll deren Tochter Monika auf den neunjährigen Achim und dessen einjährige Schwester Katrin aufpassen. Als Monika mit ihrem Freund Otto verschwindet, stülpt Achim seiner Schwester eine Plastiktüte über den Kopf und erstickt sie. Danach versteckt er die Leiche auf dem Schrottplatz im Kofferraum eines Autos. Die nach der Rückkehr der Eltern alarmierte Polizei sucht erfolglos nach Katrin. Der Vater beginnt zu ahnen, was passiert ist, entdeckt die Leiche und sorgt für ihre endgültige Beseitigung. Danach geht das Leben weiter, als sei nichts geschehen.
Verstörender Debütfilm von Roland Klick (“Supermarkt”), in dem das Grauen in die Kleinbürgerwelt einbricht und dessen Existenz von deren Bewohnern geleugnet wird.
A strange case baffles the police and the citizens of a German small town. A two-year old girl has disappeared. There are suspects, innocents, guilty ones and a web of lies. It's saturday afternoon, and Achim's parents are invited for a topping-out ceremony. The neighbour's daughter, Monika (Renate Roland), is the babysitter for Achim (Sascha Urchs) and his little sister Kathrin, but Monika doesn't take the job too serious. She'd rather go for a ride with her boyfriend. Through a unforeseen row of circumstances, Achim becomes the murderer of his sister, and hides the body in a wrecked car on the scrapyard. When the parents return home, a frantic search for the little child begins. Only the father (Sieghardt Rupp) seems to know the truth…
A strange case baffles the police and the citizens of a German small town. A two-year old girl has disappeared. There are suspects, innocents, guilty ones and a web of lies. It's saturday afternoon, and Achim's parents are invited for a topping-out ceremony. The neighbour's daughter, Monika (Renate Roland), is the babysitter for Achim (Sascha Urchs) and his little sister Kathrin, but Monika doesn't take the job too serious. She'd rather go for a ride with her boyfriend. Through a unforeseen row of circumstances, Achim becomes the murderer of his sister, and hides the body in a wrecked car on the scrapyard. When the parents return home, a frantic search for the little child begins. Only the father (Sieghardt Rupp) seems to know the truth…