Burning Blue - Bekenne dich
D.M.W. GreerSchauspieler:
Trent Ford, Tammy Blanchard, Morgan Spector, Rob Mayes, William Lee Scott, Cotter Smith, Michael Cumpsty, Michael Sirow, Mark Doherty, Chris Chalk, Tracy Weiler, Gwynneth Bensen, Karolina Muller, Hunter Reid, Mark Doherty, Timothée ChalametDem jungen Kampfpiloten Dan (Calvin Klein Model Trent Ford) scheint die Welt zu Füßen zu liegen: eine vielversprechende Karriere, eine wunderschöne Braut in spe und einen Freund fürs Leben (Broadwaystar Morgan Spector als Will). Doch nach einer heißen Nacht an der Seite des gut aussehenden Marineleutnants Matthew ''Ironman'' Blackwood (Rob Mayes) beginnt eine tödliche Hexenjagd, die Dans Vorstellungen von Liebe, Freundschaft und Ehre für immer verändern.
Mit der fesselnden Liebesgeschichte zweier Navyoffiziere wirft DMW Greer in der filmischen Neuauflage seines weltweit umjubelten, autobiografischen und mehrfach ausgezeichneten Bühnenstückes ''Burning Blue'' einen realistischen, provokanten und tief überzeugenden Blick auf den emotionalen Fallout der ''Don't Ask, Don't Tell''-Ära. Packend, mutig und aktueller denn je.
Following two fatal aircraft accidents aboard an Aircraft Carrier, a government agent is placed aboard the ship. His mission is to determine what may be at the root of these mishaps and prevent the inevitable third chain breaking accident which abruptly changes course when a sailor reports seeing one of the top ranking fighter pilots in a gay club. The aviator and three of his squadron mates and their spouses all become the subject of a deadly modern day witch hunt entangling them in a web of jealousy and deceit which tests their concept of love, friendship and honor and changes their lives forever.
Following two fatal aircraft accidents aboard an Aircraft Carrier, a government agent is placed aboard the ship. His mission is to determine what may be at the root of these mishaps and prevent the inevitable third chain breaking accident which abruptly changes course when a sailor reports seeing one of the top ranking fighter pilots in a gay club. The aviator and three of his squadron mates and their spouses all become the subject of a deadly modern day witch hunt entangling them in a web of jealousy and deceit which tests their concept of love, friendship and honor and changes their lives forever.