Im Kyung-sooSchauspieler:
Eric Mun, Shin Eun-Kyung, Yunjin Kim, Jang Ki-beom, Maeng Se-chang, Yoo Hyun-ji, Yoon Joo-sang, Kim Ji-min, Kim Kkot-bi, Oh Jung-seDie intern nicht unumstrittene Polizistin Ja-young untersucht mit ihrem Partner Dong-wook den Tod zweier Schüler an einer südkoreanischen Hochschule. Schnell stellt sich heraus, das beide Opfer verwickelt waren in einen spektakulären Fall von jugendlichem Mobbing. Nun scheint’s dass ein Unbekannter den davon betroffenen, nunmehr per Suizid verschiedenen Schüler zu rächen sucht, in dem er die Verantwortlichen der Reihe nach erledigt. Außerdem muss Ja-young erkennen, dass sie der Fall auch privat betrifft.
Koreanischer Psychothriller nach amerikanischen Vorbildern.
Two teenagers joining the same class in a high school die on the same day. The one to be top of the class is killed by a big knife on the street, the other - the second best of the class indeed - seems to be jumped from the top of the school building. Everybody believes that he first killed his classmate and than himself. But when the police finds small pill boxes into the stomachs of both kids confessing their murder two South Korean cops are torn into a new case of murder series. While they try to hunt down the serial killer, more pupils are getting killed...
Two teenagers joining the same class in a high school die on the same day. The one to be top of the class is killed by a big knife on the street, the other - the second best of the class indeed - seems to be jumped from the top of the school building. Everybody believes that he first killed his classmate and than himself. But when the police finds small pill boxes into the stomachs of both kids confessing their murder two South Korean cops are torn into a new case of murder series. While they try to hunt down the serial killer, more pupils are getting killed...