Arthur HillerSchauspieler:
Tom Arnold, David Paymer, Rhea Perlman, Rod Steiger, Kim Coates, Rachael Leigh Cook, Mikey Kovar, Jordan Warkol, Micah Gardener, Colleen Rennison, Obba Babatundé, Ian Tracey, John Tench, David Kaye, Brian Arnold, Dolores DrakeWerbemanager Daniel Miller hat den wichtigsten Tag seiner Karriere vor sich, als ausgerechnet an diesem Morgen sein mit Kindern auf dem Weg zur Schule prall gefüllter Familienwagen von einem flüchtigen Räuber gekidnappt wird. Der Kriminelle entpuppt sich als Kumpel mit Herz, und hat die Kinder bei der anschließenden Verfolgungsjagd mit der Polizei schnell auf seiner Seite. Nur Daniel hat Sorgen: Was wird aus seinem Job? Aber auch hier glänzt der neue Freund mit Rat und Tat.
Der vielseitige Regieveteran Arthur Hiller, der bereits beträchtliche Komik aus einem Buddy-Team wie Richard Pryor und Gene Wilder herauszumelken verstand, tut sich in der Geiselnahme-Komödie "Carpool" sichtlich schwerer, mit der Kombination Tom Arnold und David Paymer ähnlich vergnügliche Resultate zu erzielen.
A man with an important business meeting finds himself having to take care of the carpool for the neighborhood school children when his wife gets sick. Stopping to get donuts for the kids, things go even more awry when he finds himself a victim of a robbery. However, the situation only gets worse as a desperate man who had been contemplating a bank robbery robs the robbers and takes the man and the kids hostage in their van as his truck is blocked by an armored car. The thing then proceeds into a comedic chase movie. The father finds his kids don't really respect him and they react better to the robber. The end result is everyone gets a lifestyle change, including the original store owner.
A man with an important business meeting finds himself having to take care of the carpool for the neighborhood school children when his wife gets sick. Stopping to get donuts for the kids, things go even more awry when he finds himself a victim of a robbery. However, the situation only gets worse as a desperate man who had been contemplating a bank robbery robs the robbers and takes the man and the kids hostage in their van as his truck is blocked by an armored car. The thing then proceeds into a comedic chase movie. The father finds his kids don't really respect him and they react better to the robber. The end result is everyone gets a lifestyle change, including the original store owner.