Cash Truck - Der Tod fährt mit
Nicolas BoukhriefSchauspieler:
Jean Dujardin, François Berléand, Albert Dupontel, Claude PerronEine Überfallserie versetzt die Mitarbeiter der kleinen französischen Geldtransportfirma Vigilante in Angst. Innerhalb kurzer Zeit wurden drei ihrer Wagen überfallen und sämtliche Wachmänner getötet. In dieser angespannten Situation heuert ein neuer Mitarbeiter an, der kaum etwas über sich oder seine Vergangenheit preisgibt. Bei seinen Kollegen weckt er gleich ein gewisses Misstrauen.
In France, the disturbed and mysterious Alexandre Demarre is hired as security guard for the Vigilante armored truck company earning 1,200 euros per month and lodges in a hotel nearby the company for 1,450 euros for a month. He becomes close to his colleagues, actually a group of losers, without motivation or perspective, paranoids, depressed and substances addicted men, and prepares a personal file with the profile of each one. Along the days, the real intentions of Alex in working at Vigilante are disclosed.
In France, the disturbed and mysterious Alexandre Demarre is hired as security guard for the Vigilante armored truck company earning 1,200 euros per month and lodges in a hotel nearby the company for 1,450 euros for a month. He becomes close to his colleagues, actually a group of losers, without motivation or perspective, paranoids, depressed and substances addicted men, and prepares a personal file with the profile of each one. Along the days, the real intentions of Alex in working at Vigilante are disclosed.