Celda 211
Daniel MonzónSchauspieler:
Alberto Ammann, Luis Tosar, Carlos Bardem, Vicente Romero, Antonio Resines, Manuel Morón, Marta Etura, Luis Zahera, Fernando Soto, Manolo Solo, Patxi Bisquert, Josean Bengoetxea, Anartz Zuazua, Miguel Martín, Félix CuberoJuan ist der neue Schließer im Hochsicherheitsgefängnis, und heute ist sein erster Arbeitstag, an dem ihm die Kollegen bloß eigentlich nur zeigen wollen, wie sein Arbeitsplatz so aussieht. Da bricht aus scheinbar heiterem Himmel eine Revolte aus, und der noch in seinen Zivilkleidern steckende Wärter findet sich plötzlich hinter den feindlichen Linien wieder. Juan tut, als sei er der neue Insasse aus Zelle 211, und gewinnt tatsächlich das Vertrauen des Rädelsführers. Unterdessen macht sich Juans schwangere Frau Sorgen und fährt zur Anstalt. Mit fatalen Folgen für alle.
Ambitioniertes, handwerklich hochwertiges spanisches Kriminaldrama, angesiedelt hinter Gefängnismauern und ausgestattet mit den gängigen dazugehörigen Genreklischees, hinter denen sich hier gleichwohl dreidimensionale Typen und eine noch nicht so oft gehörte Geschichte verbergen. Der versprengte Wärter lernt die hartgesottenen Knackis als individuelle Menschen kennen, und der francofaschistisch gewirkte Old-School-Direktor trifft plötzlich auf Mitarbeiter, für die Menschenrechte keine leeren Worte sind. Gute Sache für Genre- wie Dramenseher.
Juan Oliver wants to make a good impression at his new job as a prison officer and reports to work a day early, leaving his pregnant wife, Elena, at home. His destiny is forever changed by this fateful decision, as during his tour of the prison, an accident occurs that knocks him unconscious. He is rushed to the empty but visibly haunted walls of cell 211. As this diversion unfolds, inmates of the high security cell block strategically break free and hijack the penitentiary. Aware of the violence that is to come, the prison officers flee, leaving Juan stranded and unconscious in the heart of the riot. When Juan awakens, he immediately takes stock of the situation; in order to survive, he must pretend to be a prisoner. Juan develops a dialogue with the violent leader of the riot, Badass, and the two begin a partnership, Badass fully believing that Juan is a new inmate. Negotiations go smoothly until the rioters take three ETA (the militant Basque separatist organization) prisoners ...
Juan Oliver wants to make a good impression at his new job as a prison officer and reports to work a day early, leaving his pregnant wife, Elena, at home. His destiny is forever changed by this fateful decision, as during his tour of the prison, an accident occurs that knocks him unconscious. He is rushed to the empty but visibly haunted walls of cell 211. As this diversion unfolds, inmates of the high security cell block strategically break free and hijack the penitentiary. Aware of the violence that is to come, the prison officers flee, leaving Juan stranded and unconscious in the heart of the riot. When Juan awakens, he immediately takes stock of the situation; in order to survive, he must pretend to be a prisoner. Juan develops a dialogue with the violent leader of the riot, Badass, and the two begin a partnership, Badass fully believing that Juan is a new inmate. Negotiations go smoothly until the rioters take three ETA (the militant Basque separatist organization) prisoners ...