Woo-cheol LeeSchauspieler:
Hyeon-a Seong, Da-an Park, Ho-bin Jeong, Jin Woo, Na-woon Kim, Joo-na Lee, Bit-na WangEigentlich verläuft ihr Leben in geregelten Bahnen: Hong Mi-ju (Seong Hyeon-A) ist Cellolehrerin und unterrichtet an einer Hochschule, da sie selbst das professionelle Spielen aufgegeben hat, nachdem sie in ihrer Vergangenheit einen schweren Schock in Zusammenhang mit ihrer Freundin und Cellopartnerin Tae-yeon Kim (Park Da-An) überstehen musste. Von diesem Vorfall erzählte sie nicht mal ihrem Mann Jun-ki (Jeong Ho-Bin) und ihren Kindern Yoon-jin und Yoon-hye, weshalb er so gut es ging in Vergessenheit geriet.
Doch eines Tages kommt die stumme Yoon-jin zu ihrer Mutter und möchte ebenfalls Cello spielen können, woraufhin ihre Vergagenheit sie langsam einholt. Nachdem sie ihrer Tochter ein Cello zum Üben gekauft hat, häufen sich nämlich seltsame und unerklärliche Ereignisse im Haus der Familie, in dem auch momentan Hong Mi-jus Schwester Kyung-ran wohnt. Und diese scheinen im direkten Zusammenhang mit Tae-yeon Kim zu stehen...
The cellist and teacher Mi-Ju Hong is invited by her colleague and friend Sun-Ae to assume the position of professor in her renowned institution, and gives an invitation to the concert of Hae-Young Kim, the little sister of her former school best friend Tae-Yeon Kim who died in a car accident. Before leaving the building, she is threatened by a former student that failed in her test. While driving home, she escapes from an accident on the road and once at home, she has a surprise birthday party with her husband and prosecutor Jun-Ki, her daughters the slow Yoon-Jin and the young Yoon-Hye Song, and her sister-in-law Kyung Ran, whose fiancée is in Manhattan in a MBA course. On the next morning, her husband hires the dumb housekeeper Ji-Sook, a very weird woman. While shopping with Yoon-Jin, the girl is fascinated in a cello and Mi-Ju buys the instrument. After the mysterious death of her dog Sunny, creepy events happen with Mi-Ju, jeopardizing her family, while she insistently listens ...
The cellist and teacher Mi-Ju Hong is invited by her colleague and friend Sun-Ae to assume the position of professor in her renowned institution, and gives an invitation to the concert of Hae-Young Kim, the little sister of her former school best friend Tae-Yeon Kim who died in a car accident. Before leaving the building, she is threatened by a former student that failed in her test. While driving home, she escapes from an accident on the road and once at home, she has a surprise birthday party with her husband and prosecutor Jun-Ki, her daughters the slow Yoon-Jin and the young Yoon-Hye Song, and her sister-in-law Kyung Ran, whose fiancée is in Manhattan in a MBA course. On the next morning, her husband hires the dumb housekeeper Ji-Sook, a very weird woman. While shopping with Yoon-Jin, the girl is fascinated in a cello and Mi-Ju buys the instrument. After the mysterious death of her dog Sunny, creepy events happen with Mi-Ju, jeopardizing her family, while she insistently listens ...