Richard AttenboroughSchauspieler:
Robert Downey Jr., Geraldine Chaplin, Paul Rhys, John Thaw, Moira Kelly, Anthony Hopkins, Dan Aykroyd, Marisa Tomei, Penelope Ann Miller, Kevin Kline, Matthew Cottle, Maria Pitillo, Milla Jovovich, Kevin Dunn, Deborah Moore, Diane LaneIn den Vaudeville-Theatern der Jahrhundertwende verdient sich der junge Charles Chaplin erste Lorbeeren als Komödiant. Als seine Jugendliebe scheitert, geht er nach Hollywood, um in der schnell wachsenden Filmbranche Fuß zu fassen. Tatsächlich wird er zu einem der großen Innovatoren des Kinos. Nur privat will sich kein Glück einstellen: seine Vorliebe für minderjährige Mädchen und ein Disput mit dem FBI wird ihm schnell zum Verhängnis. Chaplin wird ins europäische Exil geschickt.
In einem episch angelegten Biopic mit Millionenbudget versucht Richard Attenborough ("Gandhi"), dem bewegten Leben Charles Chaplins gerecht zu werden.
With the use of flashback, an elderly Charlie Chaplin discusses his autobiography with his editor, who urges him to be more vulnerable and emotionally honest with his memoirs while journeying through his poverty-stricken childhood, closest friendships, many marriages, merciless pursuit by J. Edgar Hoover, and ingenious invention of The Little Tramp. Highlighted works such as The Gold Rush and The Great Dictator illustrate significant turning points in Chaplin's prolific filmography. Also treated is Chaplin's exile from America and his eventual return to receive an honourary Academy Award in 1972.
With the use of flashback, an elderly Charlie Chaplin discusses his autobiography with his editor, who urges him to be more vulnerable and emotionally honest with his memoirs while journeying through his poverty-stricken childhood, closest friendships, many marriages, merciless pursuit by J. Edgar Hoover, and ingenious invention of The Little Tramp. Highlighted works such as The Gold Rush and The Great Dictator illustrate significant turning points in Chaplin's prolific filmography. Also treated is Chaplin's exile from America and his eventual return to receive an honourary Academy Award in 1972.