Chasing the Line
Andreas SchmiedSchauspieler:
Julian Waldner, Valerie Huber, Wolfgang Oliver, Harry Lampl, Doris Dexl, Arnold Dörfler, Marii Weichsler, Fabian Schiffkorn, Robert Reinagl, Wiltrud Schreiner, Noah L. Perktold, Markus ZettDie Filmhandlung fokussiert sich auf die Tage rund um den Abfahrtslauf der Olympischen Winterspiele am 5. Februar 1976 am Patscherkofel bei Innsbruck und den Druck, der auf dem damals 22-jährigen Abfahrtsläufer Franz Klammer lastete. Nachdem Klammer in der letzten Saison zahlreiche Abfahrtsläufe gewonnen hat, steigt der Erwartungsdruck von Presse und Öffentlichkeit, die Hoffnungen vieler Österreicher liegen auf dessen Schultern. Sein Skihersteller und Sponsor bedrängt ihn aus Werbegründen kurz vor dem Rennen die Ausrüstung zu wechseln, außerdem verschlechtern sich die Wetterbedingungen von Tag zu Tag. Unterstützt wird Klammer dabei von seiner damaligen Freundin und späteren Ehefrau Eva.
Barely 22, Franz Klammer finds himself at the “eye of the storm” when he shows up for the men’s downhill competition at the 1976 Winter Olympic Games. Since the previous season the charismatic newcomer has won virtually every race. The pressure from the media and the public and the hopes of an entire nation are off the scales. His sponsor is pushing him to switch equipment right before the competition, the weather is getting steadily worse, and his toughest rivals know that Franz has to do better than just a flawless run. Franz senses that he has to find his own path and that only the love of his life can give him the strength to do that. This is the most important race of his life in which he skis a line that nobody even thought was possible and which will make him to this day a legend in the sport of downhill skiing.
Barely 22, Franz Klammer finds himself at the “eye of the storm” when he shows up for the men’s downhill competition at the 1976 Winter Olympic Games. Since the previous season the charismatic newcomer has won virtually every race. The pressure from the media and the public and the hopes of an entire nation are off the scales. His sponsor is pushing him to switch equipment right before the competition, the weather is getting steadily worse, and his toughest rivals know that Franz has to do better than just a flawless run. Franz senses that he has to find his own path and that only the love of his life can give him the strength to do that. This is the most important race of his life in which he skis a line that nobody even thought was possible and which will make him to this day a legend in the sport of downhill skiing.