Christmas Oranges
John LydeSchauspieler:
Edward Herrmann, Nancy Stafford, Bailee Michelle Johnson, Savanna Kylie LewisAls Baby wurde die kleine Rose auf den Stufen des Waisenhauses der gütigen Mrs. Hartley abgelegt. Nun, mehr als ein Jahrzehnt später, ist Mrs. Hartley verstorben, und Rose wird in die Obhut des Kinderheims Irongates übergeben. Dort führt der hartherzige Mr. Crampton ein strenges Regiment aus Strafen und Pflichtdiensten, unterbrochen nur von gelegentlichen Besuchen seines freundlicheren Bruders. Der bringt den Kindern zu Weihnachten gerne Orangen. Rose hat so etwas noch nie gegessen und ist schwer gespannt.
Ein kleines Mädchen hält in harten Zeiten die Ohren steif und resozialisiert auf gar nicht mal besonders kitschige Weise einen grantigen alten Waisenhausleiter in diesem hübsch angerichteten und von engagierten Jungdarstellern sicher getragenen Weihnachtsfilm für die ganze Familie. Für einen Film, der den Zuschauer erbauen soll, passieren erstaunlich viele schlimme Dinge, doch wird alles Negative überstrahlt vom aufrichtigen Plädoyer für Harmonie, Liebe und Verständnis.
In a town not so far away and a time not so long ago, baby Rose was left on the porch of Greenwoods Orphanage, where Mrs. Hartley (Nancy Stafford) and the children under her tender care become her family. But when tragedy strikes, Rose (Bailee Johnson) loses the only home she has ever known and she is abruptly shipped to Irongates—a place that seems as cold and cruel as her previous home was kind. The strict headmaster, Mr. Crampton (Edward Herrmann), immediately seems to dislike Rose—and makes sure she and the other children are punished for any minor infraction of his rules. Rose soon makes friends with Emily, but in spite of her gentle and forgiving nature, some of the children will take any chance they can to get her into trouble. When she learns that every Christmas Mr. Crampton’s generous brother gives an orange to each child, Rose waits in eager anticipation.
In a town not so far away and a time not so long ago, baby Rose was left on the porch of Greenwoods Orphanage, where Mrs. Hartley (Nancy Stafford) and the children under her tender care become her family. But when tragedy strikes, Rose (Bailee Johnson) loses the only home she has ever known and she is abruptly shipped to Irongates—a place that seems as cold and cruel as her previous home was kind. The strict headmaster, Mr. Crampton (Edward Herrmann), immediately seems to dislike Rose—and makes sure she and the other children are punished for any minor infraction of his rules. Rose soon makes friends with Emily, but in spite of her gentle and forgiving nature, some of the children will take any chance they can to get her into trouble. When she learns that every Christmas Mr. Crampton’s generous brother gives an orange to each child, Rose waits in eager anticipation.