Clarence, der schielende Löwe
Andrew MartonSchauspieler:
Richard Haydn, Cheryl Miller, Clarence, Marshall Thompson, Betsy Drake, Alan Caillou, Rockne Tarkington, Maurice Marsac, Robert DoQui, Albert Amos, Dinny Powell, Mark Allen, Laurence Conroy, Allison Daniell, Janee Michelle, Naaman BrownDr. Marsh Tracy erforscht mit einem jungen Team, zu dem auch seine Tochter Paula gehört, das Verhalten der Tiere in Afrikas Wildnis. Von Zeit zu Zeit wird seine Station auch schon mal zum Pflegeheim für hilfsbedürftige Tiere. Deshalb bringt man Tracy auch eines Tages einen Löwen, der auf einer nahe gelegenen Farm gefangen genommen wurde. Das imposante Tier schielt erheblich und hat deswegen auch Probleme beim Jagen. Clarence - wie der Löwe genannt wird - lebt sich rasch auf der Station ein.
When a native village is apparently terrorized by a Lion, the local sergeant enlists the help of a veterinarian working at a nearby animal study center. It is soon discovered that the Lion has a unique problem, it has double vision due to the fact that it is cross eyed and therefore cannot hunt. The Lion is taken back to the study center and is soon adopted by the vet's daughter. Meanwhile, a dangerous criminal is planning to capture young Gorillas and sell them on the black market...
When a native village is apparently terrorized by a Lion, the local sergeant enlists the help of a veterinarian working at a nearby animal study center. It is soon discovered that the Lion has a unique problem, it has double vision due to the fact that it is cross eyed and therefore cannot hunt. The Lion is taken back to the study center and is soon adopted by the vet's daughter. Meanwhile, a dangerous criminal is planning to capture young Gorillas and sell them on the black market...