Club Mad
Jay ChandrasekharSchauspieler:
Brittany Daniel, Jordan Ladd, Kevin Heffernan, Elena Lyons, Dan Montgomery Jr., Tanja Reichert, Nat Faxon, Michael Weaver, Michael Yurchak, Richard Perello, Steve Lemme, Jay Chandrasekhar, Paul Soter, Erik Stolhanske, Lindsay PriceAuf Pleasure Island, dem Urlaubsdomizil des abgehalfterten Rockstars Coconut Pete (Bill Paxton), dezimiert ein geheimnisvoller Machetenmann die Angestellten- und Gästeschar. Unter den zahllosen Verdächtigen tun sich besonders "Spaßpolizist" Sam (Erik Stolhanske), Masseur Lars (Kevin Heffernan), DJ Dave (Paul Soter), Tauchlehrer Juan (Steve Lemme) und Tennislehrer Putman (Jay Chandrasekhar, auch Regisseur) hervor. Wer auch immer der Täter ist, er hält sich fest an das Konzept von Petes alten Hits...
Die Komikertruppe Broken Lizard, dem slapstick-orientierten Kinogänger seit der "Police Academy"-Variante "Super Troopers" ein Begriff, knöpft sich das Subgenre des Slasher-Horror vor.
Broken Lizard is surrounded by limber, wanton women on a booze-soaked island resort owned by Coconut Pete, a rock star has-been. But the non-stop party takes a turn for the weird when dead bodies start turning up. Everyone begins to look suspicious. Could it be Sam, of the Fun Police brigade, who is quick-on-the-trigger with his tequila-loaded Super Soaker; Jenny, the over-sexed fitness instructor; Juan, the flamboyant diving instructor with a secret third-world past; Putman, the bratty British tennis coach/fanatic; Dave, the Ecstasy-crazed, adopted nephew of Coconut Pete; or the burly masseuse blessed with a creepy touch--that can render anyone into instant Jell-O? Can the inhabitants of Pleasure Island unite, solve the mystery and restore happy hour to this tropical bacchanal?
Broken Lizard is surrounded by limber, wanton women on a booze-soaked island resort owned by Coconut Pete, a rock star has-been. But the non-stop party takes a turn for the weird when dead bodies start turning up. Everyone begins to look suspicious. Could it be Sam, of the Fun Police brigade, who is quick-on-the-trigger with his tequila-loaded Super Soaker; Jenny, the over-sexed fitness instructor; Juan, the flamboyant diving instructor with a secret third-world past; Putman, the bratty British tennis coach/fanatic; Dave, the Ecstasy-crazed, adopted nephew of Coconut Pete; or the burly masseuse blessed with a creepy touch--that can render anyone into instant Jell-O? Can the inhabitants of Pleasure Island unite, solve the mystery and restore happy hour to this tropical bacchanal?