Cold Blood - Kein Ausweg, Keine Gnade
Stefan RuzowitzkySchauspieler:
Eric Bana, Kate Mara, Charlie Hunnam, Olivia Wilde, Sissy Spacek, Treat Williams, Kris Kristofferson, John Robinson, Dennis Lafond, Patrick Kerton, Kwasi Songui, Job Daniel, Jocelyne Zucco, Jason Cavalier, Maxime SavariaNach einem Überfall und folgendem Autounfall, der ihre Flucht abrupt unterbricht, muss sich ein Geschwisterpaar mit traumatischer Vergangenheit trennen. In der Winterlandschaft an der kanadischen Grenze schlägt sich Addison durch die Natur, während Schwester Liza von einem gefallenen Boxhelden mitgenommen wird. Verfolgt von Cops, werden sich die Geschwister wieder begegnen. Addisons Weg wird dann von Gewalt, Lizas von Liebe gezeichnet sein, die sie bisher nur in der obsessiven brüderlichen Variante kannte.
Gangsterballade mit Eric Bana und Olivia Wilde ("Tron: Legacy") als Geschwisterpaar, das auf einer schicksalhaften Flucht eine Blutspur hinterlässt.
After a heist of a casino, the criminal Addison and his sister Liza are on the run to Canada with their driver/accomplice Theo. Out of the blue, Theo hits a deer and loses control of the car that leaves the road and overturns. Theo dies and Addison kills a patrolman that comes to help them. Then he splits the money with Liza and tells his sister to get a ride to the border while he will cross the woods. Addison leaves a trail of blood in his runaway. Meanwhile, the former boxer Jay, who was arrested for losing a fight, is released from prison on probation and calls his mother June Mills that lives in an isolated house with his estranged father Chet Mills that was the former Sheriff. June invites her son for the Thanksgiving dinner, but he goes first to the gym to collect money that his couch owes him. They quarrel and Jay hits him and believes that has killed him. He flees and while driving on the road, he sees Liza and gives a ride to her. Soon they fall in love with each other. ...
After a heist of a casino, the criminal Addison and his sister Liza are on the run to Canada with their driver/accomplice Theo. Out of the blue, Theo hits a deer and loses control of the car that leaves the road and overturns. Theo dies and Addison kills a patrolman that comes to help them. Then he splits the money with Liza and tells his sister to get a ride to the border while he will cross the woods. Addison leaves a trail of blood in his runaway. Meanwhile, the former boxer Jay, who was arrested for losing a fight, is released from prison on probation and calls his mother June Mills that lives in an isolated house with his estranged father Chet Mills that was the former Sheriff. June invites her son for the Thanksgiving dinner, but he goes first to the gym to collect money that his couch owes him. They quarrel and Jay hits him and believes that has killed him. He flees and while driving on the road, he sees Liza and gives a ride to her. Soon they fall in love with each other. ...