Coldfire - Der Kampf gegen die Todesdroge
Wings HauserSchauspieler:
Asher Brauner, Wings Hauser, Kamar de los Reyes, Denise Dowse, Darcy DeMoss, Michael Easton, Nancy Locke, Albert Cutt, Robert Viharo, Addison Randall, J. Cynthia Brooks, R.J. Walker, Josh Saylor, Douglas Coler, Kipp ShiotaniDurch die bizarre Verwicklung verschiedener Fälle, entdecken drei City-Cops ein unfaßbares Geheimnis: Eine sadistische, tödliche Verschwörung hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, ganz Amerika zu zerstören. Mit der künstlich geschaffenen, chemischen Droge COLDFIRE überschwemmen sie L.A. und die neue Wunder-Droge" erobert innerhalb kürzester Zeit die Stadt... Nackte Gewalt, offener Terror und Prostitution, zwingen die City-Cops zum schnellen Handeln. Rigoros geht der alte Sergeant, Wings Hauser und seine zwei jungen, unerfahrenen Cops, Kamar Reyes und Michael Easton, gegen die Drogenbosse vor. Sie kennen bei den mordlustigen Dealern keine Gnade. Ihr verzweifelter Kampf gegen COLDFIRE, geht bis an die absoluten Grenzen des Gesetzes....
The "Coldfire" is a lethal new designer-drug with destructive capabilities. Its origins are unknown...and its effects are irreversible. This drug promises the "ultimate high." However, what does the user acquire instead? The ultimate way to die... The main purpose of the "Coldfire" drug is to help the enemy cripple the United States. An epidemic is imminent if the use of this drug spreads everywhere... Entering the scene are Nick and Jake Edwards two audacious police officers. They may lack age, but they certainly have attitude. These Generation-X cops hope to show some of the veteran members of the police force a trick or to. These two officers will be working with a company of experienced pros including the seasoned Lars and the short-tempered Dix. Their assignment is to track down who or what is responsible for the distribution of this virulent drug substance...
The "Coldfire" is a lethal new designer-drug with destructive capabilities. Its origins are unknown...and its effects are irreversible. This drug promises the "ultimate high." However, what does the user acquire instead? The ultimate way to die... The main purpose of the "Coldfire" drug is to help the enemy cripple the United States. An epidemic is imminent if the use of this drug spreads everywhere... Entering the scene are Nick and Jake Edwards two audacious police officers. They may lack age, but they certainly have attitude. These Generation-X cops hope to show some of the veteran members of the police force a trick or to. These two officers will be working with a company of experienced pros including the seasoned Lars and the short-tempered Dix. Their assignment is to track down who or what is responsible for the distribution of this virulent drug substance...