Coming Home - Sie kehren heim
Hal AshbySchauspieler:
Jane Fonda, Jon Voight, Bruce Dern, Penelope Milford, Robert Carradine, Robert Ginty, Charles Cyphers, Tresa Hughes, Richard Lawson, Stacey Pickren, David Clennon, Jonathan Banks, Marc McClure, William Johnson, Hal Ashby, Haskell WexlerDie naive Offiziersfrau Sally trifft in einem Militärhospital auf Luke, einen ehemaligen Mitschüler aus Collegezeiten. Luke ist seit seinem Fronteinsatz in Vietnam querschnittsgelähmt. Zwischen ihm und Sally entwickelt sich eine vorsichtige und behutsame Liebesbeziehung, die jedoch enden muss, als Sallys Mann aus dem Krieg heimkehrt.
Hal Ashby befasst sich in seinem Antikriegsfilm mit dem Trauma Vietnam und seinen Auswirkungen auf die Heimkehrer.
The wife of a Marine serving in Vietnam, Sally Hyde (Jane Fonda) decides to volunteer at a local veterans hospital to occupy her time. There she meets Luke Martin (Jon Voight), a frustrated wheelchair-bound vet who has become disillusioned with the war. Sally and Luke develop a friendship that soon turns into a romance, but when her husband, Bob (Bruce Dern), returns unexpectedly, she must decide between staying with him and pursuing her new love.
The wife of a Marine serving in Vietnam, Sally Hyde (Jane Fonda) decides to volunteer at a local veterans hospital to occupy her time. There she meets Luke Martin (Jon Voight), a frustrated wheelchair-bound vet who has become disillusioned with the war. Sally and Luke develop a friendship that soon turns into a romance, but when her husband, Bob (Bruce Dern), returns unexpectedly, she must decide between staying with him and pursuing her new love.