Condor's Nest
Phil BlattenbergerSchauspieler:
Michael Ironside, Arnold Vosloo, Jackson Rathbone, Jorge Garcia, Bruce Davison, James Urbaniak, Brandon Tyler Moore, Michael Tourek, Greg Kriek, Jamie Roy, Jacob Keohane, Corinne Britti, Adrienne McQueen, Al Pagano, Hunter Thore, Jason Alan CookDer amerikanische Kriegsveteran Will Spalding (Jacob Keohane) hat den sadistischen NaziOberst Martin Bach (Arnold Vosloo), der seine Bombercrew im Zweiten Weltkrieg brutal hingerichtet hat, bis an einen abgelegenen Ort in Südamerika verfolgt. Doch als er ein geheimes Nazi-Hauptquartier namens "Condor'sNest" entdeckt, hat er mehr zu tun, als er erwartet hat.
American war veteran Will Spalding has tracked the sadistic Nazi Colonel who executed his bomber crew during WWII to a remote location in South America. But he is in for more than he bargained for when he uncovers a secret Nazi headquarters known as the Condor's Nest.
American war veteran Will Spalding has tracked the sadistic Nazi Colonel who executed his bomber crew during WWII to a remote location in South America. But he is in for more than he bargained for when he uncovers a secret Nazi headquarters known as the Condor's Nest.