Robert ZemeckisSchauspieler:
William Fichtner, Matthew McConaughey, Tom Skerritt, Jena Malone, Jodie Foster, David Morse, Max Martini, Geoffrey Blake, Sami Chester, Timothy McNeil, Laura Elena Surillo, Henry Strozier, Michael Chaban, Larry King, Thomas GarnerNach jahrelanger Funkstille empfängt die Astronomin Ellie Arroway vom Stern Vega mysteriöse Signale, die sie als erste Kontaktaufnahme mit Außerirdischen interpretiert. In der Folge findet die Wissenschaftlerin heraus, daß es sich hierbei um die codierte Anleitung für den Bau eines Weltraumtransporters handelt. Gegen den Widerstand ihres Vorgesetzten Dave Drumlin setzt sich Dr. Arroway schließlich durch und darf als Repräsentantin der Menschheit mit der neukonstruierten Kapsel in die unendlichen Weiten des Weltraums vordringen.
Geistreicher und realitätsnaher Science-Fiction-Film, der voll auf Schauspieler setzt.
Astronomer Dr. Ellie Arroway has long been interested in contact to faraway lands, a love fostered in her childhood by her father, Ted Arroway, who passed away when she was nine years old leaving her then orphaned. Her current work in monitoring for extraterrestrial life is based on that love and is in part an homage to her father. Ever since funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) was pulled on her work, which is referred to some, including her NSF superior David Drumlin, as more science fiction than science, Ellie, with a few of her rogue scientist colleagues, have looked for funding from where ever they could get it to continue their work. When Ellie and her colleagues hear chatter originating from the vicinity of the star Vega, Ellie feels vindicated. But that vindication is short lived when others, including politicians, the military, religious leaders and other scientists such as Drumlin, try to take over her work. When the messages received from space are decoded, ...
Astronomer Dr. Ellie Arroway has long been interested in contact to faraway lands, a love fostered in her childhood by her father, Ted Arroway, who passed away when she was nine years old leaving her then orphaned. Her current work in monitoring for extraterrestrial life is based on that love and is in part an homage to her father. Ever since funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) was pulled on her work, which is referred to some, including her NSF superior David Drumlin, as more science fiction than science, Ellie, with a few of her rogue scientist colleagues, have looked for funding from where ever they could get it to continue their work. When Ellie and her colleagues hear chatter originating from the vicinity of the star Vega, Ellie feels vindicated. But that vindication is short lived when others, including politicians, the military, religious leaders and other scientists such as Drumlin, try to take over her work. When the messages received from space are decoded, ...