Cool World
Ralph BakshiSchauspieler:
Kim Basinger, Gabriel Byrne, Brad Pitt, Michele Abrams, Deirdre O'Connell, Janni Brenn, William Frankfather, Greg Collins, Maurice LaMarche, Michael David Lally, Carrie Hamilton, Stephen Worth, Murray Podwal, Jenine Jennings, Joey CamenIn einem Paralleluniversum zu unserer Welt existiert die sogenannte Cool World, die mit Ausnahme des Cops Frank ausschließlich von Zeichentrickfiguren bevölkert wird. Der Traum der aufregenden Sexbombe Holli Would ist es, ein Mensch aus Fleisch und Blut zu sein. Kurzerhand schleust sie den “Cool World”-Zeichner Jack in ihre Welt ein und verführt ihn. Das Schäferstündchen hat ungeahnte Folgen: Beiden Parallelwelten droht durch die Verwandlung Hollis vom Cartoon zum Menschen die Apocalypse.
Jack Deebs is a cartoonist who is due to be released from jail. His comic book "Cool World" describes a zany world populated by "doodles" (cartoon characters) and "noids" (humanoids). What Jack didn't realize is that Cool World really does exist, and a "doodle" scientist has just perfected a machine which links Cool World with our world. Intrigued at seeing his creating come to life, Jack is nonetheless wary as he knows that not everything in Cool World is exactly friendly.
Jack Deebs is a cartoonist who is due to be released from jail. His comic book "Cool World" describes a zany world populated by "doodles" (cartoon characters) and "noids" (humanoids). What Jack didn't realize is that Cool World really does exist, and a "doodle" scientist has just perfected a machine which links Cool World with our world. Intrigued at seeing his creating come to life, Jack is nonetheless wary as he knows that not everything in Cool World is exactly friendly.