Abram CoxSchauspieler:
Martin Kove, John Savage, Atanas Srebrev, Raicho Vasilev, James Marshall, Michelle Goh, Stanislav Dimitrov, Nathan Perez, T.M. Van Ostrand, David Kallaway, Stanimir Stamatov, Veronika Sitih, Krassimir Manov, Boiko Boyanov, Dobrin DosevTief unter der OberfIäche der Rocky Mountains arbeitet Dr. AIan Woodman in einem geheimen MilitärIabor an der Wiederbelebung einer 5000 Jahre alten Kreatur. Er beabsichtigt die gewaIttätige Bestie in eine Kampfmaschine zu verwandeln, welche die Kriegsführung für immer revolutionieren soll. Doch bei der Präsentation des KiIlerwesens kommt es zur Katastraphe. Die Kreatur entkommt und richtet unter den Anwesenden ein Massaker an. Nur Dr. Woodman und sein Assistent überleben.
CoIonel AnsIow schickt seine beste Spezialeinheit in den Bunker, um die Bestie zu eliminieren. Es ist ein ungleicher Kampf, denn die Kreatur ist blitzschnell und verfügt über ausserordentIiche Kräfte.
Um jedoch zu überleben, braucht sie menschIiches FIeisch...
In a secret government lab, Dr. Alan Woodman conducts experiments to develop a violent alien into a revolutionary fighting machine. The trial fails and the creature escapes into compound, killing everyone in its path. Only Woodman and his assistant Charlie survive. After locking down the facility, they send out a distress call and the top covert military force responds. Led by the beautiful but tough Rita Talon, the team has been instructed to locate and destroy the creature. Working with Woodman and Charlie, they begin the hunt but quickly realize that they have to deal with more than just the creature.
In a secret government lab, Dr. Alan Woodman conducts experiments to develop a violent alien into a revolutionary fighting machine. The trial fails and the creature escapes into compound, killing everyone in its path. Only Woodman and his assistant Charlie survive. After locking down the facility, they send out a distress call and the top covert military force responds. Led by the beautiful but tough Rita Talon, the team has been instructed to locate and destroy the creature. Working with Woodman and Charlie, they begin the hunt but quickly realize that they have to deal with more than just the creature.