Christopher SmithSchauspieler:
Vas Blackwood, Joe Anderson, Franka Potente, Ian Duncan, Ken Campbell, Kathryn Gilfeather, Grant Ibbs, Jeremy Sheffield, Sean De Vrind, Debora Weston, Emily Gilchrist, Craig Fackrell, Elizabeth McKechnie, Kelly Scott, StrapperAuf dem Heimweg von der nicht sehr gelungenen Party verpasst die ebenso attraktive wie selbstbewusste Modelagentin Kate (Franka Potente) durch ein Nickerchen zur falschen Zeit die letzte Londoner U-Bahn. Sie findet sich plötzlich eingeschlossen und von der Außenwelt abgeschnitten mutterseelenallein in den gruseligen Katakomben wieder. Nun, vielleicht nicht ganz allein. Denn da wäre ja noch das anonyme Schlitzerphantom, dem gerade erst der ungebetene Partygast zum Opfer fiel, der Kate klammheimlich nachstieg.
Kunstfreunde, die an Filmen wie "Scream - Schrei!" und "Dawn of the Dead" Gefallen fanden, sollten einen Blick in diese klaustrophobische Horrorproduktion aus deutsch-britischer Gemeinschaftswerkstatt riskieren.
Heading home late one night after a party, Kate falls asleep while waiting for her train. She awakens to find herself trapped in the London underground, with all the doors locked for the evening. While being attacked by a co-worker who has followed her, a mysterious unseen creature drags him away and kills him. This begins a terrifying ordeal, as Kate and a young homeless couple are stalked through the dark tunnels by something dangerous with payback on its mind.
Heading home late one night after a party, Kate falls asleep while waiting for her train. She awakens to find herself trapped in the London underground, with all the doors locked for the evening. While being attacked by a co-worker who has followed her, a mysterious unseen creature drags him away and kills him. This begins a terrifying ordeal, as Kate and a young homeless couple are stalked through the dark tunnels by something dangerous with payback on its mind.