Crocodile Dundee - Ein Krokodil zum Küssen
Peter FaimanSchauspieler:
Paul Hogan, Linda Kozlowski, Gerry Skilton, Steve Rackman, John Meillon, David Gulpilil, Ritchie Singer, Maggie Blinco, Terry Gill, Peter Turnbull, Khristina Totos, Graham 'Grace' Walker, David Bracks, Brett Hogan, Mark BlumDer Bilderbuchaustralier Mick Dundee tritt gegen Krokodile mit bloßen Händen an. Eine amerikanische Reporterin begleitet ihn durch den australischen Busch und nimmt ihn anschließend mit nach New York, wo er die Gefahren der Großstadt mit derselben unerschütterlichen Gelassenheit meistert.
Der Australier Mick Dundee kämpft mit bloßen Händen gegen Krokodile. Die New Yorker Reporterin Sue sucht ihn auf, eine große Reportage vor Augen. Mick begibt sich mit ihr in den New Yorker Großstadt-Dschungel. Kino-Überraschungshit.
Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee is an Australian crocodile hunter who lives in the Australian outback and runs a safari business with his trusted friend and mentor Walter Reilly. After surviving a crocodile attack, a New York journalist named Sue arrives to interview Mick about how he survived and learns more about the crocodile hunter. After saving Sue from a crocodile, Sue invites Mick to visit New York City, since Mick has never been to a city. Mick finds the culture and life in New York City a lot different than his home and he finds himself falling in love with Sue.
Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee is an Australian crocodile hunter who lives in the Australian outback and runs a safari business with his trusted friend and mentor Walter Reilly. After surviving a crocodile attack, a New York journalist named Sue arrives to interview Mick about how he survived and learns more about the crocodile hunter. After saving Sue from a crocodile, Sue invites Mick to visit New York City, since Mick has never been to a city. Mick finds the culture and life in New York City a lot different than his home and he finds himself falling in love with Sue.