Curtains - Wahn ohne Ende
Richard CiupkaSchauspieler:
John Vernon, Kate Lynch, Maury Chaykin, Michael Wincott, Samantha Eggar, Linda Thorson, Anne Ditchburn, Lynne Griffin, Sandee Currie, Lesleh Donaldson, Deborah Burgess, Joann McIntyre, Calvin Butler, Booth Savage, William MarshallSechs attraktive Schauspielerinnen versammeln sich in einer abgelegenen Villa, um mit ihrem Produzenten einen neuen Film zu besprechen. Doch mit der Anwesenheit des Produzenten und Regisseur John Stryker entsteht auf einmal eine düstere Atmosphäre, er ist bekannt für seine brutalen und ausgefallenen Methoden mit seinen Darstellern umzugehen. Die sechs jungen Frauen erleben ein Wochenende, das sie an den Rand des Wahnsinns treibt. Kurz darauf wird eine nach der anderen unter mysteriösen Umständen ermordet ... Ein Psycho-Schocker mit noch nie gezeigtem Thrill, der jedem Betrachter das Blut in den Andren gefrieren lässt! Pure Angst, knisternde Spannung und ein Hauch Erotik machen diesen Slasher zu einem absoluten Muss für jeden Filmfan.
Samantha Sherwood has worked with the well-known director Jonathan Stryker on all his major films. She naturally assumes she has been given the title role in his latest venture, "Audra". He tells her that she nn needs to do some background research on the part, so arranges to have her committed to an asylum (as Audra is a former psychiatric patient). She goes along with this, not realising that he intends to leave her there indefinitely and audition six young women of various professions for the part instead. She finally manages to escape, and returns to the spooky old mansion where the auditions are taking place. But who is causing the disappearances of the young hopefuls?? Is it Samantha? Stryker? Or is one of the actresses willing to kill for the coveted part?? Just who is the killer behind the old-hag mask???
Samantha Sherwood has worked with the well-known director Jonathan Stryker on all his major films. She naturally assumes she has been given the title role in his latest venture, "Audra". He tells her that she nn needs to do some background research on the part, so arranges to have her committed to an asylum (as Audra is a former psychiatric patient). She goes along with this, not realising that he intends to leave her there indefinitely and audition six young women of various professions for the part instead. She finally manages to escape, and returns to the spooky old mansion where the auditions are taking place. But who is causing the disappearances of the young hopefuls?? Is it Samantha? Stryker? Or is one of the actresses willing to kill for the coveted part?? Just who is the killer behind the old-hag mask???