George IidaSchauspieler:
Kai Atō, Mayumi Hasegawa, Yoshimasa Kondô, Kazuhiro Sano, Nobuo TakahashiEine Studentin wird von einem geheimnisvollen, Sonnenbrille-tragenden Fremden verfolgt, der sie immer wieder auf ihre schwangere Schwester anspricht. Man erfährt bald, dass der Verfolger eine Art Zyklop ist, der das ungeborene Baby für ein Kind seiner Rasse hält. Im Krankenhaus, wo die Schwangere entbinden will, kommt es zu einer blutigen Auseinandersetzung mit dem "Zyklopen".
A bizarre medical exam of a nude woman by several doctors and scientists reveal that their latest subject has committed suicide before giving birth to one of the mutant creatures they had placed within her body. So, an investigative crew of scientists (along with a large human mutant cyclops creature) head out to the city streets to obtain a new donor/victim in the form of a young girl. Gore and Z-Grade mayhem ensue.
A bizarre medical exam of a nude woman by several doctors and scientists reveal that their latest subject has committed suicide before giving birth to one of the mutant creatures they had placed within her body. So, an investigative crew of scientists (along with a large human mutant cyclops creature) head out to the city streets to obtain a new donor/victim in the form of a young girl. Gore and Z-Grade mayhem ensue.