Rolf HansenSchauspieler:
Zarah Leander, Hans Stüwe, Hilde Körber, Hans Brausewetter, Herbert Hübner, Agnes Windeck, Walter GrossDie englische Ärztin Vera Meiners nimmt in einer südamerikanischen Klinik gegen die ausdrücklichen Anweisungen des Chefarztes eine schwierige Operation vor. Die Patientin stirbt, Vera gerät unter Mordverdacht, man will ihr ihre Tochter nehmen. Im Prozess kommen ihre Vergangenheit als Varieté-Sängerin und die Liebe zu einem Artisten ans Licht. Ihr Verteidiger kann Veras Schicksal als sich aufopfernde Mutter und tapfere Frau, die stets zum Wohle anderer verzichtete, glaubwürdig vermitteln. Vera wird rehabilitiert.
Zarah Leander als Mordverdächtige. Eine ihrer Paraderollen, in der sie ihr ganzes Können zeigt.
The doctor, Vera Meiners, lives with her small daughter, Brigitte. Her former husband, Jan, left her after she met a former lover in a harmless meeting (Frank Douglas). Without the knowledge of the chief surgeon, Vera orders an operation to be performed and is thereafter fired. Penniless, she works in Spanish nightclubs in order to provide for herself and her child. After many years, she runs into her friend Frank again in one of these nightclubs. Frank informs her that he can make it possible for her to emigrate to South America. With the false papers of another doctor, who is a friend of hers and who is dying, she hopes to build a new career. But, instead, she ends up getting arrested. She is suspected of murdering her former friend Frank to keep her secret quiet. But then her former husband hears about the whole thing and soon the real story comes out.
The doctor, Vera Meiners, lives with her small daughter, Brigitte. Her former husband, Jan, left her after she met a former lover in a harmless meeting (Frank Douglas). Without the knowledge of the chief surgeon, Vera orders an operation to be performed and is thereafter fired. Penniless, she works in Spanish nightclubs in order to provide for herself and her child. After many years, she runs into her friend Frank again in one of these nightclubs. Frank informs her that he can make it possible for her to emigrate to South America. With the false papers of another doctor, who is a friend of hers and who is dying, she hopes to build a new career. But, instead, she ends up getting arrested. She is suspected of murdering her former friend Frank to keep her secret quiet. But then her former husband hears about the whole thing and soon the real story comes out.