Dame, König, As, Spion
Tomas AlfredsonSchauspieler:
Tom Hardy, Colin Firth, Mark Strong, Gary OldmanDer pensionierte Top-Spion George Smiley wird 1973 überraschend wieder aktiviert: An der Spitze des britischen Secret Service gibt es einen Maulwurf, einen Spion im Dienste des sowjetischen KGB. Smiley soll ihn entlarven. Doch er bekommt keinen Zugang zu geheimen Unterlagen und darf niemandem erzählen, weshalb er zurückgekehrt ist. Fünf Geheimdienstler geraten in sein Visier. Aber wer ist der wahre Verräter, der den Geheimdienst unterwandert und das ganze Land in Gefahr bringt? Smiley bleiben nur sein Instinkt, sein Verstand und seine alten Freunde, um den Verräter zu finden. Ein lebensgefährlicher Auftrag.
George Smiley, a recently retired MI6 agent, is doing his best to adjust to a life outside the secret service. However, when a disgraced agent reappears with information concerning a mole at the heart of the service, Smiley is drawn back into the murky field of espionage. Tasked with investigating which of his trusted former colleagues has chosen to betray him and their country, Smiley narrows his search to four suspects - all experienced, skilled and successful agents - but past histories, rivalries and friendships make it far from easy to pinpoint the man who is eating away at the heart of the British establishment.
George Smiley, a recently retired MI6 agent, is doing his best to adjust to a life outside the secret service. However, when a disgraced agent reappears with information concerning a mole at the heart of the service, Smiley is drawn back into the murky field of espionage. Tasked with investigating which of his trusted former colleagues has chosen to betray him and their country, Smiley narrows his search to four suspects - all experienced, skilled and successful agents - but past histories, rivalries and friendships make it far from easy to pinpoint the man who is eating away at the heart of the British establishment.