Dark World - Das Tal der Hexenkönigin
Anton MegerdichevSchauspieler:
Svetlana Ivanova, Ivan Zhidkov, Elena Panova, Sergei Ugryumov, Ilya Alekseev, Mariya Kozhevnikova, Tatyana Kuznetsova, Vladimir Nosik, Denis Yushechkin, Kseniya Radchenko, Aleksandra Valker, Natalya Voloshina, Zakhar Khungureev, Olga Grishova, Evgeniy Atarik, Vladimir LukyanchikovBei einer Studienexpedition in einen Wald stößt die Studentin Marina auf eine Hütte, in der sie die Mumie einer alten Hexe finden. Als Marina deren mysteriöses Schwert berührt, fällt sie in Ohnmacht. Kurz darauf machen Hubschrauber Jagd auf die Studenten: Ein Minister ist der Sohn eines mächtigen Zauberers, der einst von den Hexen besiegt wurde. Jetzt ist er überzeugt, dass die Zeit gekommen ist, die Herrschaft wieder zu übernehmen. Er hat die Rechnung ohne Marina gemacht, die tatsächlich auch eine Hexe ist.
"Dark World" erinnert stark an "Wächter der Nacht": Wie Timur Bekmambetovs Kultklassiker werden auch in diesem russischen Effektepos Motive aus Märchen, Mythen und Fantasy auf überaus unterhaltsame Weise mit Elementen des Actionkinos und des Teenagerfilms verwurstet. Das Ergebnis ist eine kunterbunte Antwort auf die "Twilight"-Filme, in der die Gesetze von Logik und Physik im Handstreich außer Kraft gesetzt wird - ganz zum Entertainment des jugendlichen Zielpublikums.
In Russia, the mystic student of linguistic Marina Leonova is in love with her boyfriend Artur. However, he blows her off and dates their schoolmate Vika. When their class travels to the countryside with their Professor Sergey Rudolfovich to research mystic spots, they meet a weird old lady in the forest and she invites them to have a meal with her. The outcast Marina stays by the lake and Artur seeks her to have sex. However they are surprised by their friends and the ashamed Marina runs to the forest. Kostya, who has a crush on Marina, follows her and they get lost in the woods. Marina and Kostya reach an abandoned house and Marina decides to explore the spot. She finds the mummified corpse of a witch holding a shield and she is possessed by a force and faints. Sergey and his students find her and he call a rescue team to help Marina. However, a violent elite squad in a helicopter arrives...
In Russia, the mystic student of linguistic Marina Leonova is in love with her boyfriend Artur. However, he blows her off and dates their schoolmate Vika. When their class travels to the countryside with their Professor Sergey Rudolfovich to research mystic spots, they meet a weird old lady in the forest and she invites them to have a meal with her. The outcast Marina stays by the lake and Artur seeks her to have sex. However they are surprised by their friends and the ashamed Marina runs to the forest. Kostya, who has a crush on Marina, follows her and they get lost in the woods. Marina and Kostya reach an abandoned house and Marina decides to explore the spot. She finds the mummified corpse of a witch holding a shield and she is possessed by a force and faints. Sergey and his students find her and he call a rescue team to help Marina. However, a violent elite squad in a helicopter arrives...