Darkness Beyond
Ivan ZucconSchauspieler:
Laura Coratti, Emanuele Cerman, Giuseppe Gobbato, Giuseppe Gobbato, Michael Segal, Massimo Storari, Caterina ZancaIm Jahre 1571 arbeitet der Philosoph Al-Caleb (Giuseppe Gobbato) im Auftrag von Dr. John Dee an der Übersetzung des „Necronomicon“. Dabei liest er einige Worte laut vor. Ein schwerwiegender Fehler, denn dadurch löst der Philosoph einen Fluch aus, der nicht nur seine, sondern auch die kommenden Generationen betrifft. Knapp 500 Jahre später liest die vom Okkultismus faszinierte Elena Roberta Marrelli ebenfalls aus dem „Necronomicon“, der Beginn einer albtraumhaften Reise an die Grenzen des Verstandes. Für Elena und eine Gruppe tapferer Soldaten beginnt ein Kampf gegen das Verderben und einen Gegner der älter als die Zeit selbst ist.
Legendary sci-fi/horror visionary H.P. Lovecraft is the mastermind behind this story of evil that has its roots in ancient civilizations and then spans across time and into the future. THE DARKNESS BEYOND begins in 1571 when a philospher reads aloud the text of the Necronomicon. The utterance of these words of damnation not only cost him his life, but then cast blackness on future generation. Five hundred years later we see the society of Arkham, which is perpetually in the midst of devastation, civil war and mayhem. Modern woman Elena happens across the old text and again unleashes the dark force. This film has been praised as the best cinematic retelling of a Lovecraft tale, as well as innonvative lighting, excellent editing, which director Ivan Zuccon (UNKNOWN BEYOND, THE SHUNNED HOUSE) did himself.
Legendary sci-fi/horror visionary H.P. Lovecraft is the mastermind behind this story of evil that has its roots in ancient civilizations and then spans across time and into the future. THE DARKNESS BEYOND begins in 1571 when a philospher reads aloud the text of the Necronomicon. The utterance of these words of damnation not only cost him his life, but then cast blackness on future generation. Five hundred years later we see the society of Arkham, which is perpetually in the midst of devastation, civil war and mayhem. Modern woman Elena happens across the old text and again unleashes the dark force. This film has been praised as the best cinematic retelling of a Lovecraft tale, as well as innonvative lighting, excellent editing, which director Ivan Zuccon (UNKNOWN BEYOND, THE SHUNNED HOUSE) did himself.