Darwins Alptraum
Hubert SauperSchauspieler:
Elizabeth 'Eliza' Maganga Nsese, Raphael Tukiko Wagara, Dimond Remtulia, Marcus Nyoni, Sergey Samarets, Jonathan Nathanael, Msafiri 'Safiri' Habat, Dima Rogonov, Vladimir Tarasenko, Jura Biriuchev, Stanislav Ivanchenko, Jakob Maiseli, Lalit Malhotra, Shadard Mkono, Cleopa KaijageWas als kleines wissenschafliches Experiment in den 60er Jahren am Viktoriasee begann, weitete sich über die letzten vier Jahrzehnte zu einer ökologischen Katastrophe aus. Durch den ausgesetzten Nilbarsch wurde fast der gesamte Bestand der 400 anderen Fischarten ausgerottet. Der in der westlichen Welt begehrte Fisch ist für viele inzwischen ein lukratives Geschäft: internationale Waffenhändler, afrikanische Minister, russische Piloten, tansanische Prostituierte - alle kassieren ab, nur die Einheimischen gehen leer aus...
Darwin's Nightmare is a 2004 Austrian-French-Belgian documentary film written and directed by Hubert Sauper, dealing with the environmental and social effects of the fishing industry around Lake Victoria in Tanzania. Some time in the 1960's, in the heart of Africa, a new animal was introduced into Lake Victoria as a little scientific experiment. The Nile Perch, a voracious predator, extinguished almost the entire stock of the native fish species. However, the new fish multiplied so fast, that its white fillets are today exported all around the world. This booming multinational industry of fish and weapons has created an ungodly globalized alliance on the shores of the world’s biggest tropical lake: an army of local fishermen, World bank agents, homeless children, African ministers, EU-commissioners, Tanzanian prostitutes and Russian pilots.
Darwin's Nightmare is a 2004 Austrian-French-Belgian documentary film written and directed by Hubert Sauper, dealing with the environmental and social effects of the fishing industry around Lake Victoria in Tanzania. Some time in the 1960's, in the heart of Africa, a new animal was introduced into Lake Victoria as a little scientific experiment. The Nile Perch, a voracious predator, extinguished almost the entire stock of the native fish species. However, the new fish multiplied so fast, that its white fillets are today exported all around the world. This booming multinational industry of fish and weapons has created an ungodly globalized alliance on the shores of the world’s biggest tropical lake: an army of local fishermen, World bank agents, homeless children, African ministers, EU-commissioners, Tanzanian prostitutes and Russian pilots.