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Kirill PletnevSchauspieler:
Polina Maksimova, Lyubov Aksyonova, Rinal Mukhametov, Kirill Pletnev, Anna Kamenkova, Evgeniya Dmitrieva, Ivan Tityaev, Vladimir Yaglych, Aleksei Shevchenkov, Agrippina Steklova, Roman Evdokimov, Igor KosterinEs war die ganz große Liebe. Zwei Frauen bekommen plötzlich Textnachrichten, deren Autor nur ihr kürzlich verstorbener Ex-Freund sein kann. In der Hoffnung auf ein Wunder, begeben sich die beiden ehemaligen Rivalinnen gemeinsam auf eine Reise voller Hinweise, um das Geheimnis hinter den mysteriösen Botschaften zu enthüllen.
Die Produzenten des Action-Knallers »T-34: Das Duell« bringen eine bewegende und herzerwärmende Liebesgeschichte auf die Leinwand, die an Erfolge wie »P.S. Ich liebe Dich« und »Das Haus am See« erinnert.
Two girls, who used to be in love with the same man, are starting to get texts and other mysterious messages after his death, and the only person, who could’ve possibly sent them, is him. The messages from the gone man send two rivals to the south of the country, when they have two unravel the mystery of their mutual loved one, understand themselves and deal with their own past.
Two girls, who used to be in love with the same man, are starting to get texts and other mysterious messages after his death, and the only person, who could’ve possibly sent them, is him. The messages from the gone man send two rivals to the south of the country, when they have two unravel the mystery of their mutual loved one, understand themselves and deal with their own past.