Das Chaoten-Kaff
Kevin AllenSchauspieler:
Rhys Ifans, Llŷr Ifans, Dougray Scott, Di Botcher, David Hayman, Dorien Thomas, Huw Ceredig, Rachel Scorgie, Brian Hibbard, Ronnie Williams, Buddug Williams, William Thomas, Sue Roderick, Jenny Evans, Mary Allen, Sion Tudor OwenSwansea, Wales. Die Schrecken hat einen Namen: die Lewis-Zwillinge. Julian und Jeremy (Llyr und Rhys Ifans) interessieren sich nur fürs Zudröhnen, Autoklauen und debile Scherze. Als sie den lokalen "Big Man" Cartwright mehrfach foppen und den Hund seiner Frau umbringen, schlägt dieser zurück, noch während er gerade mit einem Paar korrupter Bullen einen Drogendeal abwickelt. Doch die Racheaktion geht schief und aus Versehen muß die ganze Lewis-Sippe dran glauben, abgesehen von den Zwillingen. Während die Polizei nur daran interessiert ist, jemandem die Schuld zuzuschieben, greifen die Zwillinge zur Selbstjustiz...
Jeremy and Julian Lewis, the "Lewis Twins", are two unruly brothers who terrorise the city of Swansea from the caravan park where they live with their family. When their father, Fatty, is injured while working on a roof for local kingpin Bryn Cartwright, they try in vain to claim compensation. Thus begins a campaign of terror, which local policemen Terry and Grayo are ill-equipped to prevent, involved as they are in a drugs deal with Cartwright.
Jeremy and Julian Lewis, the "Lewis Twins", are two unruly brothers who terrorise the city of Swansea from the caravan park where they live with their family. When their father, Fatty, is injured while working on a roof for local kingpin Bryn Cartwright, they try in vain to claim compensation. Thus begins a campaign of terror, which local policemen Terry and Grayo are ill-equipped to prevent, involved as they are in a drugs deal with Cartwright.