Das Chaoten-Team
Michael SchultzSchauspieler:
Tony Plana, Anthony Geary, Marco Rodríguez, Ralph Bellamy, Mark Morales, Darren Robinson, Damon Wimbley, Helen Reddy, Lisa Kingston, Jim Jackman, Don Woodard, Charles Green, Joseph R. Sicari, Jo Marie Payton, Linda HopkinsDrei Krankenwärter aus Brooklyn bekommen einen neuen Job in Palm Beach, wo sie einen bettlägerigen Millionär pflegen sollen. Sein Neffe hat das schwergewichtig-inkompetente Trio eingestellt in der Hoffnung, dem Onkel schneller ins Grab und sich zum satten Erbe zu verhelfen. Die verfressenen Sanitäter aber befreunden sich mit dem alten Herrn und verhindern mit allerlei Schabernack die finsteren Pläne des Erbschleichers.
Winslow needs money now to pay off gambling debts. If only his rich uncle Albert would die. But his orderlies are very good. Maybe by hiring three of the worst orderlies around, he can speed things up. Fortunately for him, he finds Markie, Buffy, and Kool, who have just been fired from their last job. With them around, he should have the money real soon.
Winslow needs money now to pay off gambling debts. If only his rich uncle Albert would die. But his orderlies are very good. Maybe by hiring three of the worst orderlies around, he can speed things up. Fortunately for him, he finds Markie, Buffy, and Kool, who have just been fired from their last job. With them around, he should have the money real soon.