Das Ende ist mein Anfang
Jo BaierSchauspieler:
Elio Germano, Bruno Ganz, Erika Pluhar, Andrea OsvártJournalist und Buchautor Tiziano Terzani ruft seinen Sohn aus New York zu sich, um ihm von seiner Kindheit und Jugend zu erzählen, von seiner Tätigkeit als Asienkorrespondent und der Reise zu sich selbst aufgrund einer Krebserkrankung, die ihn in die Einsamkeit des Himalaya und einen Kosmos spiritueller Erfahrungen führte. In langen und sehr emotionalen Vater-Sohn-Gesprächen festigt sich die Bindung, werden alte Spannungen aufgelöst, Tabuthemen wie die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Tod angegangen.
When an extraordinary man who has lived through all is approaching his end, he decides to call his son to join him for the last time at his home in Tuscany. His intention is to share some valuable conversations about his life as a press correspondent in Southeast Asia, about the political and social changes which he has seen, and about the spiritual transformation he has experienced in recent years. But for him the most important is to show his son how he is preparing for the last great adventure of a lifetime.
When an extraordinary man who has lived through all is approaching his end, he decides to call his son to join him for the last time at his home in Tuscany. His intention is to share some valuable conversations about his life as a press correspondent in Southeast Asia, about the political and social changes which he has seen, and about the spiritual transformation he has experienced in recent years. But for him the most important is to show his son how he is preparing for the last great adventure of a lifetime.