Das Fremde in mir
Emily AtefSchauspieler:
Johann von Bülow, Susanne Wolff, Maren Kroymann, Hans DiehlRebecca (32) und Julian (34) erwarten voller Freude ihr erstes Kind. Als Rebecca einen gesunden Jungen auf die Welt bringt, scheint ihr Glück perfekt. Doch statt der bedingungslosen Liebe, die sie erwartet hatte und von der die ganze Welt spricht, empfindet sie nur Hilflosigkeit und Verzweiflung. Ihr eigenes Baby ist ihr fremd. Mit jedem neuen Tag wird deutlicher, dass Rebecca den Anforderungen des Mutterseins nicht gewachsen ist. Doch außer ihr scheint das niemand zu bemerken. Sie kann sich niemandem anvertrauen, nicht einmal Julian. Denn: Wie spricht man über das Unaussprechliche? Über Gefühle, die man nicht einordnen kann? Von denen man noch nie zuvor gehört hat? Rebeccas Zustand verschlechtert sich zunehmend bis sie schließlich fürchten muss, zu einer Gefahr für ihr eigenes Kind zu werden...
A young couple in love: Rebecca (32) and her boyfriend Julian (34) are expecting their first child and are full of pleasant expectation. As Rebecca gives birth to a healthy boy their luck seems to be perfect. But instead of the unconditional motherly love she was expecting she is thrown into an emotional turmoil. Helplessness and desperation reign and her own baby is a stranger to her. With every day that passes her inability to meet the demands of motherhood become more and more apparent. Unable to admit this to anyone, not even Julian, she falls into a deep darkness - to the point that she realises she is becoming a threat to her child. Now only unconditional love can bring her back on track…
A young couple in love: Rebecca (32) and her boyfriend Julian (34) are expecting their first child and are full of pleasant expectation. As Rebecca gives birth to a healthy boy their luck seems to be perfect. But instead of the unconditional motherly love she was expecting she is thrown into an emotional turmoil. Helplessness and desperation reign and her own baby is a stranger to her. With every day that passes her inability to meet the demands of motherhood become more and more apparent. Unable to admit this to anyone, not even Julian, she falls into a deep darkness - to the point that she realises she is becoming a threat to her child. Now only unconditional love can bring her back on track…