Das Haus an der Carroll Street
Peter YatesSchauspieler:
Kelly McGillis, Jeff Daniels, Mandy Patinkin, Jessica Tandy, Kenneth Welsh, James Rebhorn, Christopher BuchholzDie engagierte Journalistin Emily gerät 1951 in die Mühlen des berüchtigten Komitees zur Untersuchung "unamerikanischer Umtriebe" und verliert ihren Job. Durch Zufall entdeckt sie, daß ausgerechnet der Ausschußvorsitzende ehemalige Nazis unter jüdischen Decknamen ins Land schleust. Ein junger FBI-Beamter glaubt ihr die Geschichte, und gemeinsam torpedieren sie das sinistre Komplott.
Deutlich in der Tradition der Filme Alfred Hitchcocks stehender Politthriller mit einer am Ende unerfüllt bleibenden Lovestory. Hervorragend besetzt und mehr als routiniert verfilmt.
Emily Crane is fired after refusing to give names to a 1951 House Un-American Activities Committee, and takes a part-time job as companion to an old lady. One day her attention is drawn to a noisy argument being conducted largely in German in a neighbouring house, the more so since one of those involved is her main senator prosecutor. Starting to look into things, she gradually enlists the help of FBI officer Cochran who was initially detailed to check her out. Just as well when things turn nasty
Emily Crane is fired after refusing to give names to a 1951 House Un-American Activities Committee, and takes a part-time job as companion to an old lady. One day her attention is drawn to a noisy argument being conducted largely in German in a neighbouring house, the more so since one of those involved is her main senator prosecutor. Starting to look into things, she gradually enlists the help of FBI officer Cochran who was initially detailed to check her out. Just as well when things turn nasty