Das Jesus Video
Sebastian NiemannSchauspieler:
Matthias Koeberlin, Naike Rivelli, Manou Lubowski, Frank Scharl, Mario Holetzeck, Hans Diehl, Heinrich Giskes, Dietrich Hollinderbäumer, Robinson Reichel, Pierre SemmlerBei Ausgrabungen in Israel stößt ein Forscherteam auf einen sensationellen Fund: Die Bedienungsanleitung für eine Videokamera, die noch gar nicht gebaut wurde, und das Skelett eines Mannes, das zwar 2000 Jahre alt ist, dessen Zähne jedoch Amalgam-Plomben aufweisen. Die Entschlüsselung der Aufzeichnungen des Mannes macht die Angelegenheit noch mystischer: Mit der Videokamera wurden offenbar Szenen aus dem Leben Jesu gefilmt. Diese Erkenntnis bringt nicht nur skrupellose Geschäftemacher auf den Plan, sondern auch den kirchlichen Geheimbund des Lucanier-Ordens. Alle wollen das Jesus-Video und alle vermuten es bei dem Archäologie-Studenten Steffen, der bei den Ausgrabungen zugegen war. Die Suche nach dem Video wird für ihn bald zum Kampf ums bloße Überleben.
STEFFEN VOGT, aged around 25, is helping out at a German archeological excavation in Israel when he finds a 2,000-year-old skeleton holding the instructions for a video camera dating from the year 2003. The bones also show traces of the present day. His theory of a time-traveler who made a video of Jesus is laughed at by everyone, however, including SHARON, an attractive Israeli woman he adores. Although no one appears to believe him, his find certainly seems to have generated interest: Steffen is attacked shortly afterwards in his hotel room by strange men; then he discovers that the German embassy and the secret service are after him; and when his friend DAN is murdered, he goes into hiding.
STEFFEN VOGT, aged around 25, is helping out at a German archeological excavation in Israel when he finds a 2,000-year-old skeleton holding the instructions for a video camera dating from the year 2003. The bones also show traces of the present day. His theory of a time-traveler who made a video of Jesus is laughed at by everyone, however, including SHARON, an attractive Israeli woman he adores. Although no one appears to believe him, his find certainly seems to have generated interest: Steffen is attacked shortly afterwards in his hotel room by strange men; then he discovers that the German embassy and the secret service are after him; and when his friend DAN is murdered, he goes into hiding.