Das Krampus Massaker
Weihnachtszeit in Cleveland: Vier junge Damen, die aufgrund von einigen Verfehlungen vom Gericht zu 30 Tagen Sozialdienst verpflichtet wurden, sollen am Heiligabend ihren letzten Dienst ableisten. Sie sollen alleinstehende alten Damen besuchen und denen beim Fest Gesellschaft leisten. Dabei kommen sie auch zu Dorotheas (Kris Smith) Heim, eine alte Dame, die die vier sofort herzlichst zum Abendessen einlädt. Doch als es dunkel wird und die Nacht hereinbricht, zeigt Dorothea ein ganz anderes Gesicht, denn die scharfen Messer und Äxte in ihrem Haushalt dienen nicht allein dazu, dass Weihnachtsessen zuzubereiten.
Weihnachts-Horror von der Stange für Horror-Heavy-User.
It's Christmas time in Cleveland, Ohio and four young ladies are on the verge of completing their mandatory thirty days of community service. With only one night to go, they are required to make a series of in-home visits to the older and less fortunate. Upon arriving at their final stop for the night, they become introduced to a pleasant older woman who graciously welcomes them into her home for the evening. However, as darkness falls and the cold settles in, they begin to realize that there is far more to their seemingly innocent host than meets the eye.
It's Christmas time in Cleveland, Ohio and four young ladies are on the verge of completing their mandatory thirty days of community service. With only one night to go, they are required to make a series of in-home visits to the older and less fortunate. Upon arriving at their final stop for the night, they become introduced to a pleasant older woman who graciously welcomes them into her home for the evening. However, as darkness falls and the cold settles in, they begin to realize that there is far more to their seemingly innocent host than meets the eye.