Das Lied des toten Mädchens
Felix HerzogenrathSchauspieler:
Torben Liebrecht, Lara Mandoki, Kais Setti, Michael Specht, Dirk Borchardt, Peter Davor, Nadja Becker, Franziska Arndt, Hans-Uwe Bauer, Fritz Roth, Johanna Hens, Mia Kovac, Vivien Sczesny, Kerstin Römer, Oona von Maydell, Timo HübschSauerland, im Herbst 1995: Mitten im Wald auf dem Wilzenberg findet ein Spaziergänger die Leiche der Abiturientin Sonja Risse. Dass der Mörder eine Spieluhr mit dem Schlaflied "Hush Little Baby" am Tatort hinterlässt, führt jedoch nicht zur Aufklärung. In Köln macht 25 Jahre später die investigative Journalistin Stefanie Schneider, genannt "Mütze", eine überraschende Entdeckung. In einem stillgelegten Parkhaus filmt sie eine entkleidete Männerleiche neben der eine Spieluhr läuft! Als ihr Kollege Jan Römer, der 1995 als Nachwuchsjournalist über den spektakulären Fall Sonja berichtet hat, die Melodie von damals erkennt, glaubt er sofort an einen Zusammenhang. Mit seiner ehrgeizigen Kollegin fährt er nach Wilzenberg, um Sonjas Mutter Maria, ihren früheren Lehrer Waldheim und ihre besten Freundinnen zu befragen. Je mehr die Journalisten zusammentragen, umso deutlicher werden Widersprüche und Lücken, die den Ermittlern damals hätten auffallen müssen.
Sauerland, autumn 1995: In the middle of the forest on the Wilzenberg, a walker finds the body of high school graduate Sonja Risse. However, the fact that the killer left a music box with the lullaby "Hush Little Baby" at the crime scene does not lead to a clear solving. 25 years later, the investigative journalist Stefanie Schneider, known as "Mütze", made a surprising discovery in Cologne. In a disused multi-storey car park, she films an undressed corpse of a man with a music box running next to it! When her colleague Jan Römer, who reported on the spectacular Sonja case as a young journalist in 1995, recognizes the melody from back then, he immediately believes there is a connection. He goes to Wilzenberg with his ambitious colleague to interview Sonja's mother Maria, her former teacher Waldheim and her best friends. The more the journalists compile, the clearer the contradictions and gaps that the investigators should have noticed at the time.
Sauerland, autumn 1995: In the middle of the forest on the Wilzenberg, a walker finds the body of high school graduate Sonja Risse. However, the fact that the killer left a music box with the lullaby "Hush Little Baby" at the crime scene does not lead to a clear solving. 25 years later, the investigative journalist Stefanie Schneider, known as "Mütze", made a surprising discovery in Cologne. In a disused multi-storey car park, she films an undressed corpse of a man with a music box running next to it! When her colleague Jan Römer, who reported on the spectacular Sonja case as a young journalist in 1995, recognizes the melody from back then, he immediately believes there is a connection. He goes to Wilzenberg with his ambitious colleague to interview Sonja's mother Maria, her former teacher Waldheim and her best friends. The more the journalists compile, the clearer the contradictions and gaps that the investigators should have noticed at the time.