Das Lied von Mord und Totschlag
Paolo CavaraSchauspieler:
Franco Nero, Anthony Quinn, Pamela Tiffin, Ira von Fürstenberg, Adolfo Lastretti, Franco Graziosi, Antonino Faà di Bruno, Renato Romano, Francesca Benedetti, Conchita Airoldi, Romano Puppo, Luciano RossiAls Texas sich im Jahre 1836 von Mexiko löst und unabhängig wird, plant der machtgierige General Morton (Franco Graziosi) mit Hilfe von Rebellen einen Staatsstreich, um die Macht an sich zu reißen. Um den neu gegründeten Staat und das Leben des Präsidenten zu schützen, werden der taubstumme Erastus 'Deaf' Smith (Anthony Quinn) und das Schlitzohr Johnny Ears (Franco Nero) angeheuert. Die beiden abenteuerlustigen Draufgänger sollen die Pläne des Generals durchkreuzen und ihm das Handwerk legen…
In this unusual spaghetti western departure for exploitation filmmaker Paolo Cavara (La Tarantola dal Ventre Nero), two friends help Sam Houston work for Texas statehood. Johnny Ears (Franco Nero) and his deaf-mute sidekick Erastus "Deaf" Smith (Anthony Quinn) go after a Mexican general (Franco Graziosi) under orders from Germany to agitate the populace. The film looks terrific, thanks to cinematography by Tonino Delli Colli (Once Upon a Time in America), but is often lacking in the story department. Perhaps part of the blame belongs to co-screenwriter Harry Essex, fresh off the dreadful sci-fi flop Octaman (1971). Pamela Tiffin appears as a prostitute, and the film co-stars Tom Felleghy and Renato Romano.
In this unusual spaghetti western departure for exploitation filmmaker Paolo Cavara (La Tarantola dal Ventre Nero), two friends help Sam Houston work for Texas statehood. Johnny Ears (Franco Nero) and his deaf-mute sidekick Erastus "Deaf" Smith (Anthony Quinn) go after a Mexican general (Franco Graziosi) under orders from Germany to agitate the populace. The film looks terrific, thanks to cinematography by Tonino Delli Colli (Once Upon a Time in America), but is often lacking in the story department. Perhaps part of the blame belongs to co-screenwriter Harry Essex, fresh off the dreadful sci-fi flop Octaman (1971). Pamela Tiffin appears as a prostitute, and the film co-stars Tom Felleghy and Renato Romano.