IMDB Rating
Voting: 5.5 /10 (76)
Trailer: YouTube

Das Mädchen mit der heißen Masche



Hans Billian


Sybil Danning, Michael Cromer, Marlène Appelt, Katja Büchele, Ulla Kopa, Fernando Gómez, Heinz Peter Schuck, Olga Bringmann, Felicitas Peters, Nino Korda
Rolf (Michael Cromer), a sex-advice columnist and a lecher, has affairs with numerous women, but never a permanent relationship. Suzanne, one of his ex-lovers, offers to bet that no woman can get Rolf to propose marriage, a bet her girlfriend Andrea (Sybil Danning) eagerly accepts. But there's a catch: To win the bet, Andrea must get the womanizing Rolf to commit to marriage without first going to bed with him.
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    Mirror 1 | 05.07.2020 -

    Summary & Details

    Rolf (Michael Cromer), a sex-advice columnist and a lecher, has affairs with numerous women, but never a permanent relationship. Suzanne, one of his ex-lovers, offers to bet that no woman can get Rolf to propose marriage, a bet her girlfriend Andrea (Sybil Danning) eagerly accepts. But there's a catch: To win the bet, Andrea must get the womanizing Rolf to commit to marriage without first going to bed with him.


    ~94 Min.

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    Hans Billian


    IMDb-Seite, Filmstarts