Das Mädchen und der Kommissar
Claude SautetSchauspieler:
Michel Piccoli, Romy Schneider, François Périer, Georges Wilson, Bernard Fresson, Boby Lapointe, Michel Creton, Jacques Canselier, Maurice Auzel, Henri-Jacques HuetDer Pariser Kommissar Max hat sich in den Kopf gesetzt, Delinquenten auf frischer Tat zu ertappen. Er benutzt die schöne Gelegenheitsprostituierte Lilly, um einer Bande von als Schrotthändlern arbeitenden kleinen Gaunern eine Falle zu stellen. Er sinnt den Coup aus, der für die kleinen Fische aus Nanterre eigentlich zu groß ist. Beim Banküberfall werden sie erwartungsgemäß verhaftet. Ein ehrgeiziger Kollege will auch Lilly verhaften und lässt Max Verachtung für seine hinterhältigen Methoden spüren. Max erschießt ihn. Er wird vor Lillys Augen abgeführt.
Das faszinierende Psychogramm des von Michel Piccoli glänzend dargestellten manisch-pathologischen Bullen gehört zu den Meisterwerken des französischen Unterweltfilms der 70er Jahre, dessen zentrale Themen allgegenwärtige Paranoia waren.
Max is a Paris detective, aloof, independently wealthy, and frustrated by gangs of robbers whom he cannot catch. To re-establish his stature and save face, he decides to inveigle a group of petty thieves (led by an old acquaintance) to rob a bank. A reluctant captain provides Max intelligence and Max starts spending evenings with Lilly, a prostitute who's the girlfriend of the group's leader. He poses as a rich banker with money to burn and encourages Lilly to think about her future. He hints at a payroll that comes through his bank. The plot works, the petty thieves think they're ready for a big score, and the cops are in place. What could go wrong with Max's cold plan? Who's entrapped?
Max is a Paris detective, aloof, independently wealthy, and frustrated by gangs of robbers whom he cannot catch. To re-establish his stature and save face, he decides to inveigle a group of petty thieves (led by an old acquaintance) to rob a bank. A reluctant captain provides Max intelligence and Max starts spending evenings with Lilly, a prostitute who's the girlfriend of the group's leader. He poses as a rich banker with money to burn and encourages Lilly to think about her future. He hints at a payroll that comes through his bank. The plot works, the petty thieves think they're ready for a big score, and the cops are in place. What could go wrong with Max's cold plan? Who's entrapped?