Das Netz
Irwin WinklerSchauspieler:
Sandra Bullock, Jeremy Northam, Dennis Miller, Wendy Gazelle, Ken Howard, Diane Baker, Ray McKinnon, Daniel Schorr, L. Scott Caldwell, Robert Gossett, Kristina Krofft, Tony Perez, Gene Kirkwood, Christopher Darga, Charles Winkler, Julia PearlsteinComputerfreak Angela Bennett arbeitet als hochbezahlte Spezialistin in ihrem Appartment und verläßt kaum je die eigenen vier Wände. Als sie jedoch an eine brisante Diskette gerät, die dem Cyberterroristen Jack Devlin gehört, nimmt ihr Leben eine dramatische Wendung. Devlin versucht sie nämlich nicht nur zu ermorden, sondern löscht auch ihre Existenz aus sämtlichen Computern der USA. Angela kann ihren Häschern jedoch ein ums andere Mal entkommen und deckt dabei einen riesigen Politskandal auf.
Temporeicher und fesselnder Thriller mit Sandra Bullock ("Speed"), die als Computer-Spezialistin in einen Kampf mit einem Cyber-Terroristen gerät, bei dem es um weit mehr als ihr eigenes Leben geht.
Angela Bennett is a freelance software engineer who lives in a world of computer technology. When a cyber friend asks Bennett to debug a new game, she inadvertently becomes involved in a conspiracy that will soon turn her life upside down. While on vacation in Mexico, her purse is stolen. She soon finds that people and events may not be what they seem as she becomes the target of an assassination. Her vacation is ruined. She gets a new passport at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico but it has the wrong name, Ruth Marx. When she returns to the U.S. to sort things out, she discovers that Ruth Marx has an unsavory past and a lengthy police record. To make matters worse, another person has assumed her real identity ...
Angela Bennett is a freelance software engineer who lives in a world of computer technology. When a cyber friend asks Bennett to debug a new game, she inadvertently becomes involved in a conspiracy that will soon turn her life upside down. While on vacation in Mexico, her purse is stolen. She soon finds that people and events may not be what they seem as she becomes the target of an assassination. Her vacation is ruined. She gets a new passport at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico but it has the wrong name, Ruth Marx. When she returns to the U.S. to sort things out, she discovers that Ruth Marx has an unsavory past and a lengthy police record. To make matters worse, another person has assumed her real identity ...